Disband Haiti’s rogue army-Added COMMENTARY By Haitian-Truth

MIAMI HERALD OPINION: Haiti’s government and its supporters must act quickly to end threat

By The Miami Herald Editorial


With the beginning of hurricane season only 40 days off, Haitians should be worried about protection from the annual onslaught of stormy weather, but instead another crisis is shaking the Caribbean’s perennially troubled country: A rogue force of “paramilitaries” that neither the government of President Michel Martelly nor anyone else is eager to confront has become a dangerous menace to public order, raising questions about who’s in charge.

For several weeks, the presence of this unofficial army has been hard to miss. In February, they occupied abandoned army barracks, settling in without much objection from any authority. Gradually, they have become bolder and bolder. They paraded around Cap-Haitien and Port-au-Prince earlier this month on Haiti’s traditional Constitution Day, and last week as many as 50 members, some of them armed, disrupted Parliament, forcing lawmakers to suspend business for the day.

The force is said to number anywhere from 2,000 to 3,500 mostly young men and women, apparently led by ex-army officers. Officially, Haiti has had no army since it was disbanded years ago by former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide at U.S. insistence because it was a persistent threat to civilian control. But many of those officers never resigned themselves to being out of power.

Early on, the force was seen primarily as a nuisance, a distraction from the business of getting Haiti back on its feet after the disastrous 2010 earthquake. But the intrusion of the paramilitaries in Parliament should end all hope that they will just fade away.

Although the force is said to be only “lightly armed,” it poses a threat to the government because no one knows who’s behind them or what their intentions are. Haitians and members of the international community working to rebuild the country are asking whether they represent a force unto themselves more powerful than Mr. Martelly’s government.

All of this comes at a time when there is no effective government in place. Former Prime Minister Garry Conille, who had the support of the international community, resigned on Feb. 24 under pressure from Mr. Martelly. He remains in office until a successor is ratified by Parliament, but without effective authority. At the same time, 10 members of the Senate will see their terms expire in May, but no date has been set for a new election because of the endemic political bickering that makes Haiti a nearly ungovernable state.

The U.N. security force in Haiti issued a statement after the caper in Parliament deploring it as “an unacceptable act of intimidation” and put its own military patrols in place to prevent a repetition. But it failed to pursue the outlaw force and has refused to take responsibility for putting an end to the threat it represents.

Similarly, Mr. Martelly — from a hospital in Miami where he was said to be recovering from a pulmonary ailment — issued a statement declaring that “the formation of a new public force can only be done in an orderly and disciplined fashion and in observance of the laws in force.”

That sends a mixed signal. Mr. Martelly must clearly and unequivocally label them outlaws and ask for help from the U.N. force and from the United States, which has also failed to speak up in defense of Haiti’s stability.

The paramilitaries have to be disarmed and disbanded, and their leaders arrested for posing a threat to public order. Haiti has enough problems getting the country back together without having to deal with a rogue army in its midst.

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/04/21/2759921/disband-haitis-rogue-army.html#storylink=cpy



It is time for the Miami Herald, and other media organizations, to get the facts straight – with regard to the Forces Armees d’Haiti. When the Americans were considering Aristide’s return, in 1994, they planned to strengthen and professionalize the FAdH as a counterbalance to their predicted move by Aristide, for dictatorial contro. The Army was to receive in-depth training in many areas – and was to receive sophisticated equipment to support efforts in drug interdiction.

This was the basis for the so-called Governor’s Island Accord.

Also, in accordance with the details of the Governor’s Island Accord, the new Commander in Chief was to be selected from existing general officers. This meant that either Generals Duperval, or Mayard was to be Commander in Chief. Instead, with the invasion force’s American general in command, Aristide ignored this requirement. He promoted the Fire Chie, a Lieutenant Colonel Poisson, to general. He was then selected to be Commander in Chief and ordered, by Aristide, to disband the FAdH. This was an illegal and unconstitutional  act.

This illegal action also demonstrated the value of the American word….ZERO!!

This betrayal, by the Americans, led to the murderous presidencies of Aristide and Preval.

In fact, The United States is responsible for the present Haitian condition.

The people want the revival of THEIR army and we should not stand in the way of this Democratic wish.


Author: `

1 thought on “Disband Haiti’s rogue army-Added COMMENTARY By Haitian-Truth

  1. how can anyone label this military,the haitian government is killing its people,they cant get anything done. I feel asthough they are afraid of a force that can stop their money grabbing train

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