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The FLAME OF TRUTH is flickering near oblivion. We are dedicated to fanning them with facts. Truth will empower Haitians
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You are correct. When this first broke we heard of several leading businessmen being arrested, including 2 from one family. We also heard of some 20 bank branches that passed information on bank balances or people who had just made big cash withdrawals so they could be intercepted.
One major figure was arrested for involvement in a hold up scheme with a UNIBANK cashier in 2005 but that went nowhere.
If there is a trial, who will follow up? The society is not structured to deal with this type of problem.
Aristide and Preval are responsible for the break down in law and order since their control of Haiti saw a narco state created.
They are already most focused on a cover up. There will never be justice in Haiti because the criminals are in control. Clifford Brandt will be a sacrifice and soon forgotten. And Aristide and Preval live with all of their crimes also forgotten.
can the US be trusted? wouldnt US entities also be involved? Isnt Haiti only a stones throw from the US? The activities of this group are arguably to feed the appetites of US elites.
Since the Martelly’s network is composed of psychopath Haitian bourgeois and bloodthirsty Duvalierists that are experienced criminals in serial tax evasions,fiscal frauds,embezzlement and gangsterism,kidnapping,torturing and usurpation of peasant properties,We should expect this scenarios:
Martelly’s gang chose the Omega Detention in Carrefour who is a less secure jail to facilitate Mr.Clifford jail’s escape or death with the help of a staged armed group.
Depending of the parameters of this case,they might allow Mr. Clifford Brandt to escape to go to a foreign country, or they will kill him during the staged escape and even killed the staged group!
Such scenario will prevent the Haitian people from knowing who killed people like Jean Dominique, Antoine Izmery, Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine, Guiteau Toussaint, Michèle César Jumelle to name a few.
@Agent-X, this is a criminal act, not a political reprisal. You talk of “psychopath Haitian Bourgeois” in Martelly’s network. Who are these psychopaths?!? On what basis do you make these claims?
Set aside the social prejudice and chew on this for a moment:
Martelly has been president for less than two years. Aristide/Preval were in power for 25. Kidnapping in Haiti preceded Martelly and maybe you haven’t noticed, but Clifford Brandt was arrested under the Martelly government.
This government is far from perfect, but at least they’re being proactive in combatting crime. While free speech is guaranteed to all, your comments add absolutely nothing positive to the social discourse.
Chevrier is right.
And we do not know all of the fact.
We only know what was released by a few inexperienced people who would have better remained silent until a proper investigation was completed.
Or did they raise a fog to hide the true guilty?