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Tuesday, during a press conference on the sidelines of the 20th meeting of the Superior Council of the National Police (CSPN) of the current administration, the Prime Minister and Head of CSPN, Laurent Lamothe, Réginald Delva, the Secretary of State public safety and Godson Orélus, the Director General of the National Police of Haiti, in the presence of Jean Rodolphe Joazile the Minister of Defence have wished to clarify several aspects around the case Clifford Brandt.
The Prime Minister declard “[…] We recorded a victory on the issue of kidnapping, a victory for the forces of good in a country where there is plenty of impunity in general […] I want to reaffirm to all, as you see in our action, that whatever the person who commits such an act, we will apply the law correctly on it, whatever the sector from where it comes from […] that person is the author or accomplice.
[…] Then we should work together to uncover the perpetrators and protect victims… […] I congratulate the cell against kidnapping, which has done an excellent job in recent weeks […] and the Chief of Police, the Minister of Justice, the Secretary of State for Public Security […] and I appeal to the solidarity of all Haitians, so that together, we solve the problem of insecurity […]
When we have insecurity, it is very difficult to convince people to come and invest in Haiti to create jobs […] we must have a functional rule of law […] we do what we can on our side […] There are also people and police officers who are mares and we will put all the means, to arrive grap them and apply the law as it should, without any preference […]
I want to clarify that the figure of 200 and some policemen [circulating in some media], that would be involved, these are just rumors [false information]. I do not want that for a specific case [Clifford Brandt], we destabilizes an institution. If there are bad seeds that are involved, we will identify them and we will isolate them […] we mus t focus all together on the perpetrators and the causes, to implement the law of 2009, strictly […]”
On his side, Réginald Delva, the Secretary of State for Public Security stressed “[…] The most important today is the question of solidarity around a common cause […] today, I can say without fear of contradiction, that the police faces the largest network of organized crime that has never existed in Haiti, not to mention of the Caribbean, based on data arriving every day at the Central Directorate of the Judicial Police (DCPJ) […]
As everyone knows, the kidnapping is and remains, the most advanced form of crime in Haiti. At the highest level, the Government has decided to address the problem, but we can not address it without the support of the population […] we need the public so that the work can continue, not only in relation to this case, there are other cases that are recorded, there are other gang operating […]
It is important that everyone understands that this is a battle in which the population is obliged to work with the police institutions. The security question is a chain, we must avoid to have too many weak links in the chain […] the guarantee that I give to all is that we will move forward, there are individuals who are actively sought, the police made a dozen arrests and some police officers are questioned […] it is necessary that the population resume confidence in the police, because it is more than ever determined to fulfill its mission which is to protect and serve.
We can not say that we are half of the way, but we are moving seriously […] the policy is determined […] to conduct the operation to the last element of the network, whatever these people […]”
In his intervention, Godson Orélus, the Chief of Police sent a message to the population “[…] My message to the population is a message specific to allow confidence to be restored between the police and the public, because if the police had no information, it can not really provide security and fulfill its mission. First, I ask those who know that people are involved in acts criminiels, which are hidden near home or in their area, regardless of the information, that they give them to the police. that they give them to the police. Secondly, I recall to the population, that all the people who hide or assist these individuals will be considered as accomplice of the act [and punished by law] […]
[…] Today [in the case of Clifford Brandt], I would not give names, because there is an ongoing investigation and we must not weaken it […] there are people who do not know they are wanted, so for the sake of the investigation, we will not give names […] at the timle I speak you there are 9 people who have been arrested in this case, 5 were brought, four are in custody at the Central Directorate of the Judicial Police, and four police officers are placed in isolation under administrative investigation.
[…] what is the most important ion this gang in this is that these individuals operated as if they were police officers or belonged to DCPJ, we found a stock of jerseys DAE and DCPJ, jackets, boots, cap, and even of SWAT caps. It is important that people know this, because often they say that it is the police who make such acts, while they are criminals, who use the equipment of the police to commit their acts […] until now, of people are wanted […] there are searches and sealed posed […] timely, the spokesperson of the police, will give all the details and the names […]”
In addition, the Chief of Police, confirmed the information circulating to the effect of the presence of an FBI agent on Haitian territory. Some FBI agents arrived Monday in Port-au-Prince, collaborating with the investigators of DCPJ in the case Clifford Brandt. Godson Orélus has justified the presence of U.S. investigator due to possible ramification of this Haitian network, with criminal groups in the United States.
Laurent Lamothe concluded his speech by recalling “[…] As I said earlier I think it is time to stop the polarization and division with this issue, there is an element called Clifford Brandt, which has been identified and is now in prison […] accused of kidnapping of a member of another family on which we did our investigation and we continue to work to dismantle the network.
We must not get into the dynamics of a family against another family, this is a social problem, a problem of the Haitian people, and there is a person identified and it is not the whole family [that is involved], moreover, there are family members who have contributed to the success of the operation […] the guilty must pay the price, and that price is the life imprisonment […]”
Reginld delva his trying to cover his involvement with
Dimitri vorbes,reynold deeb nd stanley hndal.
Everyone in haiti knows tht these guys were
Part of the same gng s clifford brandt.
Everyone knows that Ronald Chery an homeland security
Employe ws killed on the orders given by dimitri vorbe,
Reynold deeb,stanley handal .
Come brandt and many others were involved.?
Who knows, maybe reginld delv’s nme will be reveled
As one of the gang when come and many others re arrested
Even mario andresol is not above suspicion, 8 years as
Police chief, don’t tell me he did not know bout these gangs
Maybe he did not or MAYBE He WAs IN THEIR PAYROL.
Jean Joseph is right on target.
Everyone is afraid to mention Handal and Vorbe because of the dangers. But that is exactly what we must try to combat. Stanley Handal escaped justice in 2005 because of cash and influence.
The Vorbes are always at the center of things.
Clifford Brandt is the fall guy in this game. There are others, more important than him, to be neutralized but I do not think that Martelly has the balls.
And, of course, he has Kiko to worry about even though he is no longer allowed in the Palace since he spent over $500,000 to defeat Lamothe’s effort to be Prime Minister.
It is not easy for the weak.
They are letting Brandt take the fall for others. H is involved, but not the only criminal. When they first released detail they said 2 Vorbes, Stanley Handal, a Larouge and a Lebrun were arrested. Now we here zero about these matters.
Handal was named in 2005 and those with him went to prison. He escaped this and now has his illegal fortune invested with Best Western Hotels in Petionville.
Does not pay to be honest.