Within three days, President Préval must put in place a different Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) in the country.

We, the responsible organizations in the private sector;

We, the responsible syndicate organizations within the transport sector that operates in the four corners of the country;

We, the responsible community organizations within the popular sector of the country;

We, the responsible student organizations within the University sector of the country;

We, the responsible socio-political organizations within the political sector of the country;

In a unified voice, we declare that: this general strike is so that all movements and activities totally stop throughout the entire nation.

As such, we urge all transportation vehicles ( private, taxis, moto-taxis, pickup, buses, mini- buses, large buses, trailers, water distribution vehicles, trucks), as well as the street vendors, school children, teachers, the drivers, in addition to all other workers who are in Port-au-Prince, in Cap-Haitian, in the Artibonite region, in Plateau Central, in Port-de-Paix, in Nippes, in Jacmel, in Cayes, in Jérémie to stay put at home on this day of the General Strike, which shall be July 22, 2010, so that the country can have a different Provisional Electoral Council , adequate to carry on credible, honest, transparent and democratic elections, without contestations, for the selection of legitimate legislative, judiciary and executive branches of government that can satisfy the people’s claims and concerns within all of the departments, cities and municipalities throughout the entire country.

Claims and concerns such as excessive traffic tickets that are being handed out, in exorbitant amounts, tickets that are in fact greatly affecting the earnings of any and all drivers whether they be drivers of private vehicles, moto-taxis, pickup-buses, mini-buses, large buses, as well as the drivers of the big trucks. While fuel costs and spare auto-parts costs are climbing, the price we charge our passengers does not vary with the price of fuel, and to further add to the problem, the roads throughout the country are in total disrepair.

All of the drivers and all workers in general must be granted credit by National Bank of Credit, as well as receive social assistance when needed.

All of the workers that have lost their assets, those living from under the tents, must be given decent housing, their children must go to school and they must be offered financing in order to get back on their feet with their customary life earning activities.

All of the police men and women must receive adequate support from their Institution. The school teachers must find adequate support in their teaching activities throughout the country.

The students must find proper support within the University system that operates in all of the different departments of the country.

Jobs must be created for the youth that are in the most populated areas as well as in each of the departments, each of the cities and each of the municipalities throughout the country.

The political parties must find adequate support, because after all they represent the political apparatus of the country.

It is imperative that proper justice be granted to all of the workers that were working in the SONI company and that they be properly compensated since they organized themselves into a syndicate union organization. The managers of CSH, CGT, CNEH, STPH, UT2H, CTH, KOMOKA / MSH, in a gross display of error in judgment, fired those workers without pay. All of the workers of ONA, APN, TELECO, SMCRS must get paid for their actual work and any past due amount. The cooperative society must get their money back.

The General Strike of the 22nd of July 2010 is being organized so that President Préval must take all of the necessary steps to provide an adequate response, within three days, that will satisfy the demand to replace the current CEP by another Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) that can organize non-fraudulent elections in the country in order to satisfy the claims and concerns of the people throughout the nation.

On behalf of C.O.S.S.T.T.R.A.H.

Saint-Louis Miguel


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