March 2, 2015
Oriel Jean, one of Aristide’s closest associates, during the period immediately prior to Aristide’s departure in 2004, was shot to death today.
Even as Aristide flew to the Central African Republic, Oriel Jean was intercepted by Canadian authorities with a large amount of cash and a $300,000 cashiers check. They turned him over to the Americans who then cut a deal with Oriel Jean, the guy who coordinated a large segment of Aristide’s cocaine empire. In return for his testimony the Americans accepted a guilty plea to money laundering and gave him an 18 month sentence, with credit for time in custody.
It was the testimony of Oriel Jean, Jacques Ketant, Fourel Celestin and others that almost resulted in Aristide’s arrest a few months ago. This arrest was blocked through the intervention of American Secretary of State John Kerry who is reputed to have said that the “timing was not appropriate.”
Aristide has a well-founded record of removing people he sees as betraying him. Smooth Meteyer, Pere Ti Jean, Father Vincent, Guy Malary, Antoine Izmery – the list is endless.
Many assume Oriel Jean is the latest addition to Aristide’s list.
Time for the Americans to help us and arrest Aristide.
Aristide must be on the same agenda as the Dominicans when it comes to the Haitian people’s lives.
BEST COMMENT- That one gets my vote Jean Jean
Leave the man alone, or at least till he kills all those on his list as these cowards deserve death.
Or at the very least kill the biggest coward of all Ketant
DDK- I am not sure of the legalities of calling out a specific person to be targeted for murder. I will just go on the basis that this is a “Tongue-in-cheek” comment.