May 30, 2019
The nation has waited, expectantly, for the installation of a Prime Minister and Cabinet, to move forward with the governance of our affairs.
For the third time, the same four criminal Senators have effectively destroyed the Democratic Process.
It was predictable!
It was preventable!
It isn’t as though the 4 criminal Senators did not “telegraph” their plans.
It seems to have been contrived, with participation of many additional elements beyond the 4 Senators.
Senate President Cantave promised security, and a guarantee for the Senate function. This was after he showed a complete and total lack of leadership, during the first two sessions, disrupted by Don Kato, Beauplan, Nenel Cassy and Pierre.
After today’s fiasco, Cantave should take the honorable way out and shoot himself!
His performance has been disgusting at best!
Gedeon promised security, and many PNH officers were stationed around the Senate, heavily armed, backed up by their Water Cannon.. With Gedeon as Chief the PNH non-performance is no surprise. His million dollar home in Coral Springs awaits him, already occupied by his wife and children
And then, SURPRISE, SURPRISE – Senators Don Kato, Beauplan, Pierre and Nenel Cassy vandalized the Senate, destroying its electrical system and trashing all of the furnishings, while the PNH stood by, as many people videotaped their actions while they moved to guarantee failure of the Democratic Process.
They should have been arrested.
Their Parliamentary Immunity was neutralized by their actions.
As part of the planned scenario, groups moved to block streets and destroy property. At 11:28 the situation on streets, near Parliament, deteriorated with burning blockades, tear gas and accelerating chaos.
Everyone is to blame.
Putting forth a Cabinet comprising of 9 members of Ceant’s failed government – without discharges – was a guarantee of trouble. Don Kato warned us of what would happen. Is there a shortage of qualified people that forces us to accept the services of those rejected by a vote of Non-Confidence, people who were really not that good, in the first place?
Is the Nation paralyzed, terrified, controlled by the high-school pranks of four Senators, Beauplan, Don Kato, Nenel Cassy and Pierre? Their creation of the Fictions within the Senate PetroCaribe dossier are being taken as the truth in Washington, and elsewhere.
After all – the report comes from the Haitian Senate!!! Must be the real thing, since no one has really challenged it, or its drug-dealing authors. Outsiders actually think our Senate has real, law-abiding people in it.
The President of the Republic, who is the Head of State, shall see to the respect for and enforcement of the Constitution and the stability of the institutions. He shall ensure the regular operations of the public authorities and the continuity of the State.
The people need stability.
The Nation needs stability.
All eyes are on President Moise in the hope that he will take steps to salvage our future.
Perhaps Parliament could be dissolved.
Steps could be taken to rewrite our Constitution with one move seeing the erasure of the Senate from its pages.
The scheduled elections are not a reality now.
Time for President Moise’s team, and those behind him, to make an assessment of the situation and what steps can be taken to remove the threat to our Nation’s stability, and its future, our future, their future.