How can Haiti survive when the United States does everything it can to destroy us?
In 1991 Aristide was popped out of the Presidency like a ripe pimple between two fingers.
There was no coup!
Haitians collectively had had enough of Aristide’s violent, incompetent government. The Americans knew this but Aristide had given millions to many of the Clinton team, Jessie Jackson and Congressional Black Caucus.
The 1991 – 1994 Cedras Period was one of growing stability and would have seen proper elections held, had the Americans followed through with their promises.
In 1994 the Americans promised to retrain and reequip our Forces Armees d’Haiti, to act as a countervailing force to Aristide’s predictable grab for power when he returned.
Then they stood by as Aristide broke the FadH on November 18, 1994 and went on to grab dictatorial power for himself, and Rene Preval??
The International Community backed creation of the PNH. Canada and the USA trained new officers, but stood by as Aristide fired all Canadian/American trained personnel. Aristide accepted only those who pledged loyalty to him.
In 2000 Aristide controlled the election, forced CEP chairman Manus into exile, when he wouldn’t deliver, and grabbed dictatorial power in a December 2000 election that some say only 20,000 voted.
In 2004 the Americans backed Guy Philippe in a successful move to remove Aristide. President Bush awarded Guy the Distinguished Service Medal – an unusual honor for a foreigner.
2017 saw Guy Philippe elected to Haiti’s Senate to become a threat to the Aristide/Preval/Privert team. He was kidnapped and convicted in the States on questionable grounds. Money laundering, when the money actually came from the sale of a piece of property in Pestel. It was transferred via SOGEBANK to the States to buy a condo for Guy’s wife Natalie. Without the FadH to maintain security, gangs have effectively overpowered the nation. Illegal arms and ammunition are smuggled into Haiti with impunity.
The PNH is unable to meet the challenge and thousands of PNH officers take advantage of the BIDEN PAROLE scheme to gain entry to the States. This has reduced the effective strength of the PNH by thousands.
President Moise was assassinated and real, effective steps to solve this crime have never been taken.
Haiti has a Prime Minister who just parachuted into control and refuses to appoint a real cabinet.
Money always seems to be America’s approach to solving problems, without supervising how the money is applied. We have seen millions pumped into various ministries, only to be stolen by the ministers involved, or the political chiefs who control the ministries. ONA, the nation’s pension fund has been plundered.
As is the custom, ministries are given to political leaders. They plunder the treasury. Edmunde Beauzile got an amazing 1700 votes in her presidential bid. She now has control of Public Works Ministry and has stolen millions!!!
She is not alone!
Nesmy Manigat has pillaged the Education Ministry, effectively dooming our school system.
It is time for our American friends to give some thought to the accelerating train wreck.
Put the $100,000,000 into Haiti’s infrastructure, but pay attention to what it is used for. Pull the Visas for anyone stealing funds.
And, the International Community must accept the growing reality. Haiti’s massive, ignored majority is about to select Guy Philippe as their leader. This was also the reality, in 2017, when Privert had him kidnapped and sold into the States.
Guy Philippe is seen as the solution to Haiti’s problems.