Day: October 29, 2022
About 96,000 Haitians flee homes to escape gangs and kidnapping, UN says
Gangs believed to control about 60% of Port-au-Prince as Haitians also struggling with dwindling supplies for food, water and basics Gang violence, kidnapping and intimidation…
Posted in FRENCH/CREOLE Articles
Quand Mélanie et Tony parlent d’Haïti
Dans les hauteurs de la Biosphère, vendredi, c’est par une séance entièrement en français que le chef de la diplomatie américaine, Antony Blinken, a…
Posted in Crime/Corruption
Haitian politician shot dead, as violent gangs and political turmoil push country to the ‘edge of collapse’
A Haitian politician has been shot dead outside his home, authorities have said, as international concerns intensify over the gang violence, political turmoil and humanitarian…