Posted in Crime/Corruption

Honduras ex-first lady bought jewellery with public funds

A court in Honduras has sentenced former First Lady Rosa Elena Bonilla to 58 years in prison. Bonilla, 52, was found guilty of misappropriating $779,000…

Posted in Ag/Farming

Timberland Commits to Plant Millions of Trees in Haiti

Today global outdoor lifestyle brand Timberlandannounced a new commitment to plant 50 million trees around the world by 2025 as part of its pursuit of…

Posted in DAILY REPORTS-Direct From Haiti

US Military Surrounding Venezuela With New Deployment In Guyana   The US military haseffectivelysurrounded Venezuela,ahead of a possible military intervention. We’ve reported in the past that the Pentagon is jointly working with Colombia,…

Posted in FRENCH/CREOLE Articles

États-Unis – Immigration : L’Administration Trump met des restrictions sur le droit de sol

À partir du 29 octobre 2019, seront déclarés « Américains » tous les enfants nés sur le sol américain dont la mère est au pays depuis environ…