Day: July 24, 2019
Posted in FRENCH/CREOLE Articles
Haiti Was Five Times Richer than China in 1960
What will Haitians say when they realize that Haiti was five times richer than China in 1960? Today, Haitian leaders beg for help from Taiwan…
Posted in Crime/Corruption
Haiti’s Notorious Gang Leader Arnel Joseph Arrested
WASHINGTON/PORT-AU-PRINCE – A wounded Arnel Joseph was lying on a stretcher, ready to be wheeled into an operating room at the Bonne Fin hospital of…
Posted in Crime/Corruption
Moins de 24 heures après l’arrestation du puissant chef de gang Arnel Joseph, panique totale à Marchand Dessalines- Added COMMENTARY By Haitian-Truth
Au moins cinq personnes tuées, une autre blessée par balles et plusieurs maisons incendiées à Marchand Dessalines, moins de 24 heures après l’arrestation du…