Day: July 30, 2015
Posted in DAILY REPORTS-Direct From Haiti
Haiti Tops American Travelers’ Hot Destination List
The beautiful beach at Labadee in Haiti. (Photo: Thinkstock) There are some destinations in the world that are so perfect and so lovely that we…
Posted in DAILY REPORTS-Direct From Haiti
RVA in Haiti: The beautiful spirit at Wings of Hope
By wricavajoyeburnett Published: July 29, 2015, 8:54 pm FERMATHE, Haiti — High in the mountains overlooking Port-au-Prince is a refuge for kids who were literally…
Audio – Insanité présidentielle: A Mirgoane, Martelly le « Pedator » en chef a humilié et rantre byen fon nan manman yon fanm
Le délinquant et « pedator » en chef Michel Martelly a encore descendu un peu plus bas dans la boue nauséabonde de la délinquance et de la…