3 May 2010

Albert Ramdin, the number two at OAS – Organization of American States, visited Haiti and met with  leaders of the nation’s political parties. Without exception that all said they were in favor of elections but would not participate with the existing CEP Provisional Electoral Council.  Without exception, the political leaders believe the existing CEP is a Preval-controlled entity and there can be no believable elections with this CEP in place.

In other words, there was absolutely no doubt as to their position or the two basic points.

First of all, they are all in favor of elections.

Secondly, they will not participate with the existing CEP in place.

I am reminded of a cartoon character’s  comment “What part of NO MONEY don’t you understand?”

What part of this statement  could be missed by Ramdin?? Everyone is for elections, but not with the existing CEP. They did not make any allowance for a separation of these two points.

No new CEP…No Elections

Ramdin then made a public statement to the effect that he had met with Haiti’s political leadership and, without exception, they were in favor of elections.

When asked about their feelings with regard to the CEP he side-stepped this issue by saying…”That is a domestic question and I cannot speak to that…”

The man is a liar!

The political leadership made their position clear and he misstated their firm comments on the subject.

Perhaps Preval has continued the custom of paying large sums to OAS officials for their support. On at least one occasion, in the past, $3,000,000 was paid to the head of the OAS for certain actions.

Only the naïve can  believe that the OAS has ever had any intention of acting on behalf of the Haitian majority.

Preval must step down and a new, independent CEP put in place. Otherwise there can be no valid electoral process.


Author: `