Sep 17, 2016
“It is an amazing coincidence that Hillary Clinton and Jean Bertrand Aristid both fell ill on the campaign trail, the incidents occuring just a few days apart. Have the Haitian voodoo gods or loas taken their revenge for the 1991 Clinton-Aristide brokered economic embargo on the Caribbean’s most impoverished country? Or have the loas lashed out for the Clinton duo’s profitable venture in post-quake Haiti?
VOODOO POLITICS at its best” – Rob Lohan, Washington Post
I was in the Cap when this occurred.
Aristide had few people to greet him.
Kelly Bastien and Moise Jean-Charles had thousands of anti-Lavalas/Aristide protesters.
And some still claim Lavalas is the most popular movement in Haiti.
Maybe it’s their scheme to not get indicted.
Aristide was out for the night and portion of following day. The media has always lied for him. Michael Norton, the AP guy was married to Lavalas fanatic Toto Bissainthe. He was bought and paid for by Aristide.
We seem to have same bias now.
And Privert has purchased all Haitian media people with governement jobs.