UN putting itself above own laws, principles in Haiti case-Added COMMENTARY By Haitian-Truth

The op-ed “UN’s cold, but correct, call on Haiti” (Juliette Kayyem, Feb. 28) misstates the basis for the UN’s dismissal of claims filed by cholera victims in Haiti. While it correctly notes that immunity is an important protection for the United Nations, it assumes that immunity precludes justice for people harmed by reckless actions by the UN.

Section 29 of the UN Immunities Convention, cited in both the op-ed and the UN’s rejection letter, states that the UN “shall make provisions for appropriate modes of settlement” of claims against it. This means that the UN commits to providing justice through internal mechanisms. In rejecting the cholera claims, the UN did not invoke diplomatic immunity, but rather refused to uphold its commitment to provide alternative justice.

The UN claims that this case is an exception because it requires examination of UN policies. How can the wrongful acts alleged — for example, pumping untreated sewage into Haiti’s largest river system for days, probably weeks — be a matter of UN policy? Defining this as policy creates an exception so broad that Section 29 becomes meaningless. In doing so, the UN is putting itself above its own laws and the very principles that it was created to promote.

Brian Concannon Jr.


Institute for Justice and

Democracy in Haiti


The Boston-based institute represents 5,000 victims of the cholera outbreak in Haiti in their claims against the United Nations.



I am not a fan of Brian Concannon… since he was responsible for the fraudulent trials with regard to the non-existent Robateau Massacre.

Having said that, Brian is spot on with his analysis of Section 29 of the UN Immunities Convention. Unfortunately, the UN has all of the $$ in the world and will simply wear anyone who attacks by drowning the game in $$

On the other hand, the UN promises to do something about the cholera epidemic, but has not come up with realistic funding.

Perhaps this is not bad since their plan involves using copper sulphate-based agents which cannot be used in the civilized world. It is almost as dangerous as cholera and kills wildlife, poisons water… and mutates people.

I recall a line from the Christmas story in which Scrooge comments, upon something like poverty, as a “way to decrease the surplus population.” I guess that is the UN’s responsibility, in Haiti, and elsewhere.

MINUSTAH go home.


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