July 12, 2016
There are reports of a meeting, yesterday, at which the Americans, and others, agreed to Privert’s retention of power – with certain condition.
The CEP is supposed to be protected – which simply means another criminal – Berlanger – is protected, and elections are promised. This simply means that – after 3 months Privert will say elections are not possible, and the game will continue.
The interim period will be used to generate material against Michel Martelly and Laurent Lamothe, diminishing any value their government may have possessed.
Privert will continue to play the Aristide/Lavalas delaying game – which has always worked.
The opposition is finally worn down – intimidated – killed or simply purchased, and Lavalas takes over.
Privert has already saturated the government and government agencies with Lavalas people. In effect, he has taken over, from the inside out, and the Martelly/Lamothe team lie there like a dead cow.
Haiti deserves better.