Mars 4, 2016

Every good Disaster needs a PLAN!

Haiti is no different.

We have a lot of plans, followed by a lot of Disasters.

We have an election, that was really not that bad. The investigative commission discovered a lot of “ineptitude” but very little “fraud.” This is to be expected in a society with our level of education and low exposure to office requirements, followed by a microscopic investigations of the resultant paperwork.

If a person,  who practiced weeks in order to write his name, uses this new skill on an election document. He then notices that he has misspelled his name. He  erases the first attempt, and signs again.

This immediately invalidates the document and becomes a basis, one of many items,   used as support for the hysterical cries of MASSIVE FRAUD!!
Give us a break.

Well now, back to THE PLAN!!

There will be an attack on Parliament next Tuesday, initiating a sequence in which it will be impossible for the Senate and Chamber of Deputies to function.

Members will be blocked from the building, generating an emergency.

Privert – “The Hero of la Scerie” – will assume “Exceptional Powers” and become dictatorial, in his control of the nation.

We are already, experiencing instability, and violence non-existent during the Martelly years.

Kidnapping – an old Aristide/Preval weapon to keep the public in turmoil, is accelerating. Vision 2000 has just reported a case in which terrorists broke into a home and kidnapped 3 children!!  There has been a demand for a ransom of $400,000.

The ransom is unimportant.

Terror is the goal.

Collected ransom is a bonus.

And they children will probably be killed in order to increase the terror.

Recently, a child was kidnapped and $40,000 demanded. This was paid.

The child was killed.

The body mutilated.

A message here, and the people understand.

Senator Youri Latortue is a lone voice representing Democracy and will soon be silenced, one way or another.

What the International Community must understand is the simple fact that Preval/Aristide are not ready for elections. They wish to derail the process until they are sure of a win.

An election TODAY will see the popular Jovenel Moise elected in a massive landslide as Haiti’s peasant population votes, in a percentage never seen before.

They have remained outside the process and now have a reason to vote –JOVENEL  MOISE!!

The master criminal, and friend of the Dominican Republic, Max Bellerive is in control of Privert’s situation, using the old game of “small projects” to buy support in Parliament while children starve.


Privert would not be President were it not for the intervention of one guy, who will find himself betrayed, in the long-run. (Short run)

The planned elections MUST BE HELD, otherwise write off Haiti. It will slide back into the Aristide/Preval situation, from which the Martelly Presidency managed a brief national salvation.

The bridge to the future is Jovenel Moise, and those who will follow him in future elections.

The cynical Preval understands this danger and will move to block it, as will the terrorist Aristide. They are not partners now, but their goal is the same.
Derail the electoral process!!

If the International Community accepts what is about to happen, unless someone steps in to block the moves – Haiti will be lost – forever.

No one – locally – has the bravery, or the funding to counterbalance millions from the Dominican Republic, Aristide, Preval, the business community and our drug dealers.

We are not optimistic.

Someone said that Haiti is like a septic tank where the big lumps keep floating to the surface!


Author: `