Se casa el embajador norteamericano en RD con su pareja gay-Added COMMENTARY By Haitian-Truth

Día de boda gay: El día más feliz en la vida de Wally Brewster

En República Dominicana está prohibido el matrimonio de personas del mismo sexo. Habría que esperar la adecuación de los protocolos diplomáticos para las parejas de los representantes de los países en esta nación caribeña.

U.S. Ambassador to RD marries his gay partner
Gay Wedding Day: The happiest day in the life of Wally Brewster
In Dominican Republic the marriage of persons of the same sex is prohibited. It was not until the adequacy of diplomatic protocols for couples of the representatives of the countries in the Caribbean nation.


Without any personal comments, on the right/wrong of same sex marriages, this ceremony is a great affront to the host nation. The laws of the Dominican Republic prohibit gay marriages and to have the representative of the United States Government flaunt these laws, is an embarrassment for everyone. Why didn’t the guy fly off to the States, for his wedding? The Obama administration, and many of its representatives are really making idiots of us.


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