- Friday, 10 August 2012 12:54

LES CAYES, Haiti (defend.ht) – 77,000 jobs could be created in the next six months in agriculture, transportation, waste management and construction was the highlight of discussions at the 5th Government Council meeting held in Les Cayes Wednesday. Other projects for the Southern region were launched during the stay of the ministers in the third city of Haiti that will benefit socio-economic growth.
Friday, August 10, 2012: Prime Minister, His Excellency Mr. Laurent Lamothe Salvador, led the fifth Council of Government held this Wednesday, August 8, the administrative complex of Les Cayes, in the presence of parliamentarians and local councilors.
This event was a success in terms of audience and in terms of the reception of members of the government team. Indeed, almost 170,000 viewers watched the session on Martelly.TV and tnh.ht, apart from the thousands of listeners and viewers across the regional and national media.
Some 77,000 jobs over the next six months were announced by the Ministries of Agriculture Natural Resources and Rural Development, Public Works, Transportation and Communications, and Service of Metropolitan Solid Waste Collections (SMCRS). The Prime Minister also the Minister of Planning and External Cooperation, HE Mr. Laurent Salvador Lamothe, said he was simply satisfied with the smooth running of this meeting and the renewed commitment of the various members of his administration.
“I want all projects to give significant results in favor of the people who deserve socio-economic welfare,” said Mr. Laurent Lamothe promising that the construction of 80km of road connecting Camp Perrin to the city of Jeremie will be completed as planned. In this regard, the Prime Minister plans to meet with representatives of the Brazilian firm “Constructura OAS LTDA” responsible for executing the work of this important stretch.
A few hours prior to the Council of Government, the Prime Minister, accompanied by the Ambassador of the Republic of China in Haiti, Liu Bang-Zyh and the Director General of the Office of Workers’ Compensation Insurance, Sickness and Maternity (OFATMA), Jean Jacques Charles, proceeded, in Vernet, the official launch of the construction of a hospital that will include 50 beds and tend to 50,000 visits per month to benefit the people of Les Cayes and its surroundings.
The Head of Government also took the opportunity to check the status of the Vernet market, funded by the Mexican cooperation. He announced the inauguration of the work in the next six weeks. “The government cohesion is a key element of our administration” vigorously launched the Head of Government of Haiti surrounded by his Ministers, State Secretaries, General Managers and experts in various fields.
On the other hand, the Prime Minister is planning a major reform in the People’s Bank of Haitian (BPH) to turn it into an institution able to fund initiatives in favor of the population.
Several other major projects were also announced for the benefit of the population of the South, including:
– Construction of 15 contracts financed to the tune of 5 million U.S. dollars by Mexican cooperation in several municipalities in the country;
– Inauguration of a dairy in Saut-Mathurine by the Minister of Agriculture Natural Resources and Rural Development (MARNDR);
– The urban regeneration of the town of Les Cayes for $ 3.5 million;
– The Plan response to drought of 2012 for irrigation systems, farm tracks and watershed protection;
– The improvement of health care in several communes of the South for $ 3.38 million dollars.
The Prime Minister calling on businesses in the city of Les Cayes to fulfill their tax obligations to allow the state to collect more funds for development projects, is committed to once again work for the benefit of meeting the key needs of the Haitian people.
– END –