May 26, 2013
As is always the case – it is a matter of $$$$. Few are patriotic. Few think of the Nation. Few think of their less fortunate 9,000,00 fellow Haitians who often have one meal, every three days, while they have three meals, plus expensive snacks.
May 18 was to see Prime Minister Lamothe attacked by a huge anti-Lamothe demonstration, paid for via the Ministry of Interior. This was supposed to be a secret, with the results blamed on Aristide. Sophia would have seen her puppet Valery Milfort installed as Prime Minister and greed would live happily ever-after.
This plot was discovered and derailed.
May 18 passed without so much as a ripple.
One would think that Queen Sophia would let well enough alone but – no – they are going to make another attempt to remove Laurent Lamothe, as Prime Minister, and nothing is outside their game-plan.
Parliament, and business; the two groups one would expect to support the anti-corruption efforts of Laurent Lamothe, are violently opposed to these nation saving concepts. And this is why Haiti is at the top of the world’s listing for corrupt nations, and at the bottom as one of the world’s poorest countries.
Laurent Lamothe is doing his best to reverse these factors but people like Senators Steven Benoit, Jean Joel Joseph, Jocelerme Privert, Jean William Jeanty, Fritz Carlos Lebon, Francky Exius, Andrice Riche, Maxime Romais, Francisco Delacrouce, Moise Jean-Charles, Wesner Polycarpe, Francois Joseph and Jean Baptiste Bien Aime have buried their differences in an effort to save the status quo, since this status quo is the one which puts the most $$$ in their pockets.
Parliament welcomes each change of Cabinet, each change of Prime Minister because such moves are a guarantee of huge cash payments in order to see DEMOCRACY prevail. In their world, there is NO DEMOCRACY WITHOUT BRIBES. Fortunes are paid; fortunes that would be better spent buying rice and beans for our hungry children.
The pressure to maintain Haiti’s criminal status quo makes strange bedfellows as the whores switch allegiance and partners with amazing speed. Today’s enemy becomes tomorrows partner in crime, with the speed of light.
So it is with Senator Steven Benoit and Queen Sophia.
At the birth of the Martelly concept, Senator Steven Benoit was promised control of ONA, a national insurance office, and source of skimmed cash, for his support. With Martelly inaugurated, this promise was ignored as Thierry Mayard-Paul and Queen Sophia blocked the concept. ONA was to big a cash cow for Queen Sophia to give up.
Now, the tables have turned.
Senator Steven Benoit has – yet again – been promised control of ONA if he leads a Senate effort to embarrass and force the collapse of Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe. Queen Sophia has balanced the loss of the golden ONA against the platinum gains from her being able to install her close – Valery Milfort as Prime Minister.
One of the things Queen Sophia cherishes is the control of a road repair project, now under the Prime minister’s office. With Valery Milfort, as Prime Minister, Sophia will become the rich Queen of Potholes.
Steven Benoit has the mind and conscience of a whore, but he comes by this honestly, if that is the proper term. It is a family profession. His sister Guerda Benoit was such an animal before she married Rene Preval; a marriage that ended after a period of time. Steven Benoit was carried into the Senate on Guerda’s coattails (or tail to be vulgar) since he would otherwise have remained a very low class person.
As a side issue, an issue that has Benoit upset with Lamothe, even though the Prime Minister has nothing to do with it, is the fact that the Argentinean government has asked for the removal of Guerda Benoit, from the Haitian embassy there. Seems as though she is too arrogant for her hosts and they want to be rid of her.
And so we have the corrupt majority, of the system, standing against the Martelly/Lamothe effort to make some changes in the totally corrupt society. Their solution, in order to protect their status, is the removal of Lamothe, to be replaced by someone of their taste, someone who will help them continue with the rape of Haiti’s resources.
In effect, the Haitian system cannot heal itself.
It really needs some outside assistance.
Since the International Community are the ones pouring billions into Haiti’s economy, they are the element that should take steps to plug the sieve through which their funding disappears into bank accounts of the criminals. We will never eradicate corruption, but we can slow it. Laurent Lamothe is the only hope to carry through this process, as the traditional societal criminals endeavour to replace Lamothe with someone more suited to their lifestyle.
The American embassy could show its true desire for Democracy by suggesting that no one wants to put pressure on anyone…but, if the Senate insists on taking their planned undemocratic, criminally based action against Prime Minister Lamothe, they should be allowed to remain in Haiti, enjoying the results of their efforts, efforts that effectively destroy efforts to save Haiti – at great expense.
The lady in rouge with Sophia is Milfort, the clone of our First Lady with even the same dress.
Valery A. Milfort was born in Belgium; not Haiti. Is she even qualify to be Prime Minister??
Good for you.
Lamothe is popular throughout the community, including the Lavalas elements.
Just a few in Parliament and the business community are focused on corruption as a growth industry.
Quand le voleur et corrompu sénateur Steven Benoit ne connaît pas la loi
Le senateur corrompu ,voleur du nom de Steven Benoit declare à un frère de ses collègues que le poste de directeur de l’ONA sera donné comme Deal à un parent à lui si il arrive à renverser le gouvernement.
Ce voleur a promis à 4 autres personnes ayant des liens etroits avec lui et parents des senateurs frustrés qu’ils auront les directions suivantes : 1)Immigration , 2)Douanes de Saint Marc , 3) Ministere de l’Environnement . 4)DCPR (Direction Centrale de Police Routiere)communément appellée Circulation.
Donc voila pourquoi le corrompu senateur Steven Iverson Benoit veut destabiliser le gouvernement.
A noter que 24 autres postes sont promis à Steven Benoit pour realiser le complot de destabilisation du gouvernement.Parmi ces postes dont 10 dans la diplomatie haïtienne , 5 dans la Primature haïtienne et 9 dans les ministeres .
Steven Benoit = Machan’n peyi
Cette information vient de la Rue Marcadieu ou une reunion vient de prendre fin maintenant à 9 hrs P.M. La reunion a commence avant 8h PM.Donc elle environ 1 heure de temps. 12 personnes ont pris part dont 5 sont affectées au Palais National.
Pierre Louis Mozart