July 22, 2021
Recent American newspapers have noted a growing interest, among Haitian political hopefuls, to retain “Lobbyists” and “Publicists” within the American system to sell themselves, as potential solutions to the Haitian problem, within Washington power circles.
These people should weight the pluses and minuses to be found in this arena before opening their own, personal, Pandora’s Box.
The focus of Washington is merciless for those who endeavor to promote themselves, via lobbyists and publicists. Self-promotion acts like a strong magnet on a surface covered with steel shavings. There is absolutely no control as to which metal fragments are attracted to the magnet.
Jesus Christ might be safe from the dangers of self-promotion.
The average Haitian politician, or would-be politician, had better think twice before opening his, or her personal, colorful Pandora’s Box, via self-promotion within the American amphitheater. 
The American system is absolutely merciless. 
There is no tolerance factor.
What is “custom and practice” in Haiti is probably a crime within the American legal system.
You cannot “Cherry Pick” in the American game, hoping the fact that you have killed a couple of people, perhaps more, smuggled a ton of cocaine into the States, perhaps more, stolen $10 or $20,000,000 from PetroCaribe funds, perhaps more, control armed gangs for which you have illegally purchased and smuggled weapons from Florida through ports you control in Haiti, and prefer little girls/boys,…. will be ignored.
Not likely!
Washington’s piranhas will strip your skeleton clean in a few moments.
At the very least, your valuable American Visa will be stripped. At worst, you could be arrested.
Once you have let the “Genie out of the bottle,”   you can never put him back.
Many functioning Haitian businessmen, and politicians, have huge dossiers within America’s filing cabinets. For one reason, or another, the “Friends to the North” ignore our many human frailties for their own reasons. 
As one example,  DEA could shut Haiti down.
There is an old saying: “Let sleeping dogs lie.”
The Haitian society is tolerant of many activies that would demand a Life Sentence in America.
Haitians should keep their game within the borders of Haiti.
What happens in Haiti should stay in Haiti.
In any event, I believe that Haitians would react badly to any direct, obvious American interference aimed at placing their candidate in office, during the next free-and-fair-election this coming fall.
I would love to run a Haitian campaign against someone who spent a fortune of Washington lobbyists. I would use this to defeat him/her.
Better to spend the cash on positive things in  Haiti, like rice and beans for the kids, instead of a Mercedes for someone who has never seen Haiti.

Author: `