I have just finished reading TRINITY, the penetrating Leon Uris novel about Ireland. The very last line reminded me of Haiti:
Uris ended: ”For you see, in Ireland there is no future, only the past happening over and over.”
So it seems to be with Haiti.
When Jovenel Moise was sworn in, it looked like he might break the bonds, of a stifling past and set a new course on into the future. He initiated a wonderful concept, with many wonderful projects, offering potentially game-changing long-term results.
Roads, infrastructure, solar power, a number of big hydro-electric projects such as the Barrage Maryon.
But there has been a shortage of more immediate actions, to meet the real day-to-day needs of our population. I recall the story of American missionaries, dealing with a hungry Haitian population. They planted coconuts, so they could germinate and grown into mature trees, from which the population would harvest a bountiful crop of fruit.
As the sun rose, the following morning, after the missionaries had cooked and eaten their large breakfast, they looked out to discover their Haitians had dug up the coconuts and eaten them. They couldn’t wait the 4 to 10 years before a tree matured to produce coconuts.
Their hunger was immediate.
So it is with Haiti.
Large projects, for the future, will see history mark Jovenel’s Presidency as one that accomplished much. But the Jovenel Moise Presidency could end, prematurely due to expanding pressures, by October, if some thought is not given to real and immediate challenges in meeting basic needs of the Nation.
Law-and-order is disintegrating as gangs outgun poorly paid – often unpaid – PNH officers. Each week we read of one or two PNH officers, killed in attacks around the Nation.
Until Chief Gedeon goes, there is no hope. He has other agendas and a safe haven, in Florida, for his escape when the roof falls in.
The high Cost of Living and criminal manipulation of the Gourde by our banking system! The present, and past 2 Bank Governors should be served with Interdiction Notices, assets frozen and audits undertaken by an international body. People might be surprised at how much they have plundered from our meager National Treasure.
Our President promises to fight corruption. The outside world must understand the real challenge. We are now 189th on the Corruption List and there is no one below us. We would be happy to regain 127th position, once held before the Preval team took over.
There is also a misplaced belief that President Moise’s meeting with Donald Trump has guaranteed completion of his Presidential term.
This is not the case.
Congresswoman Waters’ recent visit with Aristide should have sent a message to President Moise, as should have the earlier Congressional letter, signed by 20 or so American Congressmen, worrying about the conditions in Haiti. Waters then took Senator Beauplan, and others, for meetings in Washington, to explain PetroCaribe should also have sent warnings.
These guys didn’t promote the Jovenel Moise Presidency, or that of Martelly. They never mention Preval, a major thief of PetroCaribe funding. Some suggest $198,000,000.
Our team has not reacted to this stimulus, giving Aristide, Beauplan, Waters and our other enemies gathering strength. Since we have not counteracted their claims, effectively with public response, we are accepting guilt. Or, to an observer, that is the way it seems.
The past week has just seen a devastating, and tremendously embarrassing circus, highlighting the incompetent control of Senate President Cantave. The first session saw disruption by Senators, Don Kato, Beauplan, Nenel Cassy and Pierre, a blackmail move that saw Don Kato, Beauplan and Cassy named to 3 key commissions.
Then session two saw President Moise’s own team make near fatal errors in their presentations in support of Jean Michel Lapin’s approval as Prime Minister.
Are there ways to salvage this mess?
More delays.
President Trump and his team watch from their offices in Washington, harassed by the likes of Congresswoman Walters. Trump sees himself as the world’s greatest deal-maker. He loves to make deals. With this in mind, President Moise could have created a “Wish List” before he flew to meet Trump. Then he could have selected items, from the list, when opportunities presented themselves.
This is the way Washington works.
One item, on the “Wish List” could have been American petroleum to replace that lost when we sided with Trump, abandoning Haiti’s generations’ old association with Venezuela. There was a good chance such a request would have been fulfilled. That would have solved the ongoing fuel crisis that erupts each time a tanker arrives off our coast.
But, if you don’t ask you won’t receive!
My television is still vibrating from President Jovenel Moise’s speech at Arcahaie’s annual Flag Day celebration today, May 18, 2019..
One of the best, dealing with the challenges, past and present, with his promise of immediate and positive action to meet the many challenges facing our Nation today..
But we must remember the old, often mentioned truth: