March 12, 2023
Madame Manigat is squandering her Legacy on Prime Minister Henry’s Back Burner.
With the appointment of Madame Manigat – and two others – as the Haut conseil de la Transition
December 21, 2022 – Haitians hoped for a possible way out of the present impasse.
Of course Fritz Jean, of the Montana Group, didn’t want to cooperate, believing that he is already Provisional President of Haiti. This is the guy who, as Aristide’s Governor of Haiti’s Central Bank, stole some $12,000,000. Aristide was so angry that he set out to arrest the criminal, but Fritz Jean escaped. Now he, and another criminal, Andre Michel, work to further destabilize the Nation.
It is time for Madame Manigat to tell PM Ariel Henry to “Fish or cut bait” before her Legacy is smeared by the ongoing train wreck.
Haiti needs the immediate creation on a new, Quality, Cabinet and Manigat must have some control, otherwise she is wasting her time.
With the passage of months, the situation spirals downward. It will soon be too late for anything other than an “Atomic Solution.”
The world is watching.
Haitians are waiting.

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