LEST WE FORGET -16:53:10
JANUARY 12, 2010
Jan 12, 2012
In less than a minute the Nation was devastated.
In less than a minute over 300,000 people were taken from us.
In less than a minute hundreds of thousands were injured, countless homes destroyed and over a million people made homeless – instantly.
We were not alone as the World moved to stand with us, sending massive support to assist in our recovery.
Over $12,000,000,000 was kindly provided to rebuild our shattered Nation. Unfortunately, major businessmen like President Donald Trump and President Clinton (Republican and Democrat) saw the opportunity and stole our future, even as they patted our small children on their heads and promised them salvation.
If the $12,000,000,000 had been properly, honestly been applied to the Nation’s needs, we wouldn’t be in our present condition, accentuated by Hurricane Matthew.
People like Donald Trump have absolutely no social conscience. Unfortunately, such avaricious men often become “leaders” in civilized nations.
Lest we forget.