Monday, President Jovenel Moïse, accompanied by Prime Minister Jack Guy Lafontant and the Presidents of both Houses, Youri Latortue (Senate) and Cholzer Chancy (Chamber of Deputies), went to the Convention Center of the Bank of the Republic of Haiti (BRH) for the presentation of the Legislative Agenda 2017.
The Prime Minister handed over to the President of the Senate 50 draft laws or proposals around 14 axes for the Legislative Agenda between the Executive and the Legislative.
Each axes contains a number of priority texts for the country’s development that focus on improving the business climate and economic development, State organization, land-use planning and environment and national security.
They are called upon to create the legal framework in support of the Prime Minister’s Policy Statement and the government’s action plans.
In his speech, the Head of Government said he relies on thefull cooperation of the Parliament for the outcome in a timely manner of this Legislative Agenda during this year.
Excerpts from the speech of President Jovenel Moïse :
If there is one area where the need for innovation is particularly desired, it is that of the organization of the work of the institutions of State power, first of all within their own sphere, but above all in the relations they maintain between themselves, in their approach to promoting collective well-being. I repeat, the only reason that justifies the organization of State power as it is in a Republic like ours is the promotion of collective well-being.
It is through innovation, that is to say, by our ability to do things differently and to do better when we do not have more resources than we will come out as a people. This country has forged itself into the clay of these unfavorable circumstances. After decades, what I say, after centuries of turpitude and destructive disorder, we have today, together, the possibility to restore it standing in the honor and dignity of each of its daughters, each of its son.
Today we are on the tightrope. We are at the crossroads. We are not entitled to error. We can not pretend that we did not know. We must and can move the country forward. Through stubborn work and humility in the memory of our ancestors and our responsibilities in relation to our offspring, we must ensure that the law brings stability for the Nation and security in the management of public affairs. By taking the right direction and making the right decisions, the future generation will appreciate the actions we are going to take in the direction of the national interest. The impartial story will acknowledge that we have deserved well of our country.
We all know that the Haitian legislative production is very low. This is one of the sources of the weakness of our institutions. To be sustainable, public policies must be supported by legislation voted by Parliament. I must thank Parliament for agreeing to include 50 draft laws and/or proposals on the legislative agenda of this parliamentary year. Various aspects of the country’s social life are affected by these proposals and draft laws.
The State and the Nation rely heavily on this little revolution that you are about to do in the way Parliament works. With this menu voted published, this legislature will enter in the history as one of the most productive. On behalf of the Haitian State and the Haitian Nation, I would like to say a big thank you to you. So let’s act together to modernize the country and restore Haiti to its place in the concert of nations !”
Download the Legislative Agenda 2017 (PDF) :
SL/ HaitiLibre