November 26, 2015
We must now – for once – face a sad reality.
The election results, about to be announced, mirror those that should have been announced after the October 25, 2015 ballot.
We have wasted on year in the life of the Nation. One year in the lives of 10,000,000 people, all because of a few people’s greed.
We have also blown $100,000,000 on elections, plus all of the millions stolen by the Privert team, that would have been better utilized in buying rice-and-beans for the kids, building hospitals, schools, fighting malaria, cholera, Zika, but greed would not allow this constructive approach.
Unfortunately, our team was afraid of foreign media reactions to the real Truth. And so, assuming the Truth would reassert itself in the run-off the decision was delayed.
No one factored in Jude Celestin’s dishonest, unpatriotic action.(He knew he would lose.) People forgot how stupid Rosny Desroches can be. And everyone forgot who François Benoit really is, assuming he would deal an honest hand. Even as he plotted, members of his Verification Commission were holding clandestine meetings with Aristide at Tabarre.
And so, even as the International Community complimented Haiti on a good election, these traitors cried Massive Fraud!!
Aristide/Lavalas joined the cry and were accepted as real arbiters for the massive Haitian majority.
Jovenel Moise was the massive majority choice!!
The foreign media must accept responsibility for their maintenance of Aristide/Lavalas on “life support,” when the patient was really dead. Over, and over the foreign media would refer to Lavalas as the “most powerful and popular movement in Haiti,” often adding comments about it being barred from the political process.
Neither were true.
But the myth was supported via the generous, lavish distribution of cash. The Miami Herald and Associated Press are the most obvious players in this propaganda game and have done irreparable damage to Haiti, and its people.
Jacqueline Charles is Haitian and has served her fellow Haitians badly. Unfortunately, readers in Alaska, or Moscow do not understand the bias in reporting, so her stories remain Gospel, as do those of the AP representative.
Associated Press articles are distributed all over the world, appearing in newspapers which require material on Haiti. Over the years, Associated Press has pumped Lavalas garbage into the stream, with no conscience for Haiti’s poor.
Time to hook the AP representative up to a Polygraph Machine and ask a few simple questions. The machine would blow a fuse!
The people were finished with Aristide/Lavalas.
Aristide/Lavalas boycotted the various election because they knew they would face their “moment of Truth,” as people rejected them at the ballot box.
Some, such as Aristide, Celestin, Francois Benoit, and members of his Verification Commission, CEP’s Opont, Rosny Desroches, and a band of others, should be arrested. Without their criminality, Privert would not have survived his criminal existence.
But that is the past.
Jovenel Moise is Haiti’s future, a true break with the past couple of hundred years. We must all get behind our new President and support his creative moves towards a future, more prosperous Haiti.
We have President Martelly for giving us Jovenel.
A brilliant choice.
Perhaps he will revive our agriculture.
Konpliman Jovenel.
Nou te mete tout espwa pou viktwa ou
Privert devrait être arrêté pour ses crimes
Michel Martelly en cinq ans.
Nous attendons.
I have worked in Haiti for over 15 years.
Lavalas is a crime.
Many criticise Mishel, but no one can ever accuse him of being a malevolent person. Unlike Preval and Aristide, Michel didn’t kill people.
History will look back on Martelly’s presidency in a favorable light.
We owe much to him for selecting candidate Jovenel Moise.
Good luck Jovenel.
You have our love an support.
HAITIAN TRUTH has exposed my sentiments.
Lost months.
My business has expired with the Privert crimes.
Jovenel has my support.
Il est temps d’éliminer Aristide pour toujours.
Trump doit nous aider
Congratulation to Martelly for selecting Jovenel Moise as candidate PHTK. This took great courage to pick Jovenel Moise over his friend Lamothe. Perhaps Martelly actually places National interests above friendship. He should have done this earlier, with many defective around him and his presidency would have been much more successful.
There may be Hope after all.
Arete Aristide, Preval ak Jude Celestin pou touye moun nan Robert Marcelo
Like a rat who has taken poison, Aristide is mot dangerous this moment. Our friends to the north must provide transport and holiday of lengthy terms for him. Then pease is possible Otherwise none.