MIAMI, USA ( – The lawyers of Franck Cine, the CEO of Haitel, have filed complaints with the International Criminal Court against Presidents Michel Martelly and Rene Preval and Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe for “unjust arrest, unlawful detention, torture, illegal prosecution, confiscation of property” towards the sale at auction of assets of Haitiel and the Cine family.
In a letter dated May 8, 2013 addressed to Ms. Fatou Bensouda, Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court in The Hague, Attorney Guy Lewis, the head of the Lewis & Tein law firm, requests the Court to open an investigation into the actions of Michel Martelly, Laurent Lamothe, Rene Preval and other Haitian government officials that they accuse of having perpetrated against Franck Cine and his family, acts including, unjust arrest, unlawful detention, torture, illegal prosecution, confiscation of property.
For these reasons, Guy Lewis writes, “we are asking the Court to investigate and prosecute these people,” in accordance with Article 15 of the Rome Statute.” Although Haiti has signed the Rome Statute it has not been ratified in the nation.
In a second action, along with the complaint to the International Court in The Hague, lawyers of Franck Ciné made a request to invoke the Arbitration Court of Bermuda, the tribunal designated in the statutes creating Haitel, to decide in cases of dispute between the company and the Haitian government.
The third action initiated against the Haitian leaders came in a letter sent to the Minister of Justice, Jean Renél Sanon. In this letter, Lewis is seeking an investigation against Martelly, Lamothe and Preval.
Haitel’s dossier has now changed with the submission to these courts. Sources say, leaders in Haiti will be forced to respond within times prescribed by law. The legal “runaways” and delaying often employed by Haitian officials to evade justice in Haiti will not be appropriate in those jurisdictions.
Writing a letter is not “filing an action.” In fact, writing a letter really means nothing at all and is just another attempt on Cine’s part to get publicity.
If the International Criminal Court is an acceptable venue for hearing the Haitel case, Martelly should file one against Franck Cine for his criminal actvities in partnership with Aristide and Preval.
Aristide and Preval benefitted from the Cine/Haitel crimes when Franck Cine paid enormous bribes in order to avoid taxes. His bill stands at over $80,000,000 without interest.
Cine is a bum and should be jailed for what he did to Haiti.