Important European recommendations

Haiti - Elections : Important European recommendations

Haiti Libre:

Following the two Electoral Observation Missions (EOMs) and the European Union (EU) Election Experts Mission in Haiti Elena Valenciano, the EOM’s Chief Observer, submitted past week to the Haitian authorities, a series of consolidated recommendations that could contribute to reflections on possible improvements to the electoral framework. Among them, the most important are :

It is recommended to establish a Permanent Electoral Council, as provided for in the Haitian Constitution, in order to strengthen its democratic and institutional legitimacy and to overcome the provisional nature of most electoral councils in recent decades;

It is recommended that electoral legislation be reformed to eliminate, among other things, the role of parties in the choice of polling station members and to strengthen the control exercised by the CEP on this aspect;

It is recommended to reform the procedures for issuing of discharges for the management of public money to avoid making it a political lever in the hands of Parliament. It is recommended in this reform to strengthen the financial control of the management of accountants and authorizing officers of public funds;

It is recommended that the constitutional quota of 30% of women be strictly applied at all levels of elective posts;

It is recommended to limit the excessive proliferation of political parties, making it more strict, within reasonable limits, the conditions for registration of political parties to ensure that they truly represent a movement enjoying a real support from the population at regional or national level.

HL/ HaitiLibre


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