Hell Night in Port-au-Prince – Added COMMENTARY By Haitian-Truth

Haiti - FLASH : Hell Night in Port-au-Prince

In a note the Government condemns the serious incidents that occurred in the night from Tuesday to Wednesday all over Port-au-Prince.

“The Government condemns with the utmost rigor vandalism, armed attack, fire and attempted arson, perpetrated by individuals with bad intentions, everywhere across the capital on the night from Tuesday 7 to Wednesday, June 8, 2016, especially targeting public buildings and private installations, including gas stations.

The Government notes that these abuses are likely to disturb public order and peace by jeopardizing the safety of lives and property, and remains convinced that such initiatives can only undermine the creation of a climate of peace.

The Government urges the population to remain calm and in serenity and take the opportunity to remind that no derogation likely to disturb the established order, will be left unpunished.

In this particular context for our fuure of people, the Government recalls that it remains committed to democratic values, and promises to continue to work to ensure the safety of all.”

HL/ HaitiLibre



The Privert government is cynical in the belief that Haitians miss the Truth.

All of the incidents were created by the Privert team’s Chimere


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