Haiti’s president issues election mandate-Added COMMENTARY By Haitian-Truth



PORT-AU-PRINCE — Haitian President René Préval has mandated that the country’s nine-member Provisional Electoral Council plan for presidential elections.

The mandate, however, is not the presidential decree that sets the official election date and that the international community has been pressuring Préval to issue.

Still, it is an important step toward getting an official date, and signifies that despite pressure from at least one member of the U.S. Congress and foreign diplomats, Préval has no intention of revamping the electoral commission.

The international community has warned Préval that the credibility of the elections depend on that of the elections body, which has been saddled with controversy.

Préval has refused, saying to do so could invite mischief-makers who could cause a delay, forcing Haiti to move to an interim government.

Both he and the international community, including the United States, are opposed to an interim government, which opponents have been pushing for.

Préval has denied accusations by some accusing him of “handpicking” the CEP members, telling The Miami Herald earlier this week, “All the members of this CEP, as were all of those of the predecessor CEP that carried out the successful senatorial elections of 2009 were chosen by civil society groups and political party groupings,” and none by him.

Under Haitian law, the CEP, which is already charged with carrying out local and the postponed Feb. 28 legislative elections, will now write to Préval asking him to officially set the presidential election date, which is expected in November.



Give us a break!!!

The Preval CEPs have all been hand-picked by Preval. Otherwise, how could he have a first cousin as head of one CEP and his mistress, a lady called Cherubin, on another?? The odds are statistically against either of these situations being anything but hand-picked by Preval.

The existing CEP is bought and paid for by Preval.

No one in Haiti is pressing for an Interim Government – NOBODY!!

The people are afraid of another Interim Government like the incompetent one forced upon Haiti in recent years by the Americans, and headed by Gerard Latortue.

The only danger of mischief lies in keeping the existing CEP….this will allow Preval complete control of the process and will see him fix the vote – yet again – so that his choice will win.

Preval is going to screw everyone around, until it is too late to select a new CEP.

The International Community should move to prosecute Preval for his involvement with the cocaine traffic, theft of a fortune, kidnap and torture….plus a selection of other major crimes. He should also know that there will be no place to run and hide. He will have to face his fate in Haiti…..something he fears, unless he has a puppet in power

As a negotiating point, he could avoid a nasty end by agreeing to a new CEP….good elections and a quick turn over of power.

Unfortunately, the old saying “Suspicion haunts the guilty mind”….fits the situation. Preval knows he would never keep his word, were he in control of such a situation. Therefore, he cannot possibly trust anyone to make this sort of promise, to him, and actually keep it.


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7 thoughts on “Haiti’s president issues election mandate-Added COMMENTARY By Haitian-Truth

  1. For how long could they resist? Preval and his gangsters will pass away soon. All who are involved in any bad actions in Haiit have to leave this live, period.De Ronceray and Bazin are calling upon them, they have to go and meet them for the concert of delivrance of Haiti. Lafontant and Jean Dominique are still waiting. Hurry up, guys!

    Preval is planning the persecutions of any single American on the soil of Haiti.Wait and see.

  2. I strongly recommand that no body pays attention to Preval’s decree. Leave him act freely. He will be responsible for what He deserves.Organize the resistance. Prepare files and dossiers and the time will come when I will be with you. Be confident, people of Haiti! I pray that Haiti will be freed forever.3 hours will be enough for the clean up, believe me or not, my word is an order. By the power which I hold, it will be so.

  3. Mandating that the CEP organize elections has zero legal effect.

    Unless Preval issued an Electoral Decree there is and will be nothing.

    He has already decided to control the elections and put someone like Jude Celestin, a major criminal and gang coordinator in power. Celestin is a future son-in-law of Preval’s.

    The Americans are thinkint of putting Bellerive in the president’s chair. The Dominican president Fernandez likes this because Bellerive has been a member of the Dominican Secret Service for more than 20 years.

    MINUSTAH is talking about bringing back the incompetent Michele Pierre-Louis…

    No one is thinking of having a real vote that reflects the will of the 9,000,000 Haitians.

    Everyone knows better, what is good for them….the Haitians

    We will never have Democracy is everyone continues to play games.

    Let the Haitians really and truly select someone.

    Give them properly organized, supervised and accounted for elections where every vote truly means something.

  4. We are headed for another disaster.

    The Americans are willing to allow Preval his CEP.

    Unless they are really stupid – and one wonders?? – this gives Preval an opportunity to install a dynasty and my people will die.

    Haiti deserves more, but will get less.

    There is still time to prevent the crime.

  5. Without a new CEP the concept of Democracy is forever dead in Haiti.

    The Haitian voter does not trust the system and one more theft of their vote and they will abandon the process, if this has not already happened.

    2006 and Preval’s theft of the presidency, with MINUSTAH’s help was the final insult.

    The Haitian people collectively detest Preval. They despise him.

  6. There is no such thing as an Election Mandate in Haitian law.

    In other words, Preval has issued “nothing.”

    People think Preval has done something, but he only plays with words.

    Until he issued an official Electoral Decree, published in Le Moniteur, there is nothing, absolutely nothing.

    He is playing mind games with the Americans and they do not understand it. Preval has outmaneuvered them before and he will do this yet again.

    Why do they tolerate this criminal or does it take one to recognize one. America’s cynical disregard for my country’s survival should embarass them in the long-run….but it will not.

    They are immune to this honesty.

  7. Time is sliding away.

    The UN, International Community, Walmart, and other powerful groups allow the mouse Preval to dictate terms to them.

    Time for them to give Preval the order.

    New CEP.

    Get out of the election process.

    Or be indicted for all his crimes

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