Haitian gov’t accused of hindering relief efforts

Monday, 22 March 2010 The international Red Cross in Haiti has accused the government of not releasing land to facilitate the construction of better structures for more than a million earthquake survivors.

There are mounting concerns that there could be more suffering for the Haitian people, who remain in makeshift camps ahead of the start of the rainy season next month.

Red Cross official Alex Wynter says his organzsation will not meet the April one deadline to move people to more stable structures.


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3 thoughts on “Haitian gov’t accused of hindering relief efforts

  1. What does he expect?
    Preval is delaying everything so that his UNITE political party can seem to make everything happen and then win the elections.
    The fact that thousands will die, because of the Preval cynicism, means nothing in his game to retain power.

  2. Preval is making life difficult for these organisations because they don’t let him get his usual cut from the aid that has been flowing into the country.Under the pretense of sovereignty,he and his so-called Prime Minister Bellerive are trying to profit from the misery of the people by asking that the aid goes through them.

    Preval needs more money these days to keep up with his high maintenance former mistress now his wife Elizabeth Debrosse Delatour, a reputed greedy palace apparatchick who makes Michelle Bennett look like a girl scout.

    On top of being totally incompetent,Preval has proven over and over that he has no leadership skills and no sense of decency.Like Nero,Preval is sipping good wine and eating the best foods while hundreds of thousands of people are sleeping in the open air under flimsly tents made of bed sheets,including my own sister.

  3. Add this article to the long list of ones about these scum stealing, while their country cries out for help.
    I feel lucky to have a place to sleep, and I am comfortable. Still, I think of those that do not every night.

    What about you Preval? No, Barbancourt is your silencer to those thoughts, or perhaps it is the millions of dollars that you and your bitch wife are stealing.

    Do us all a favor, and just be happy with what you have and go somewhere else.

    The flooding a few years ago was devastating, and this recent series of earthquakes are shockingly altering the nation, but you Preval…. You are Haiti’s worst catastrophe by far.

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