To cope with the phenomenon of insecurity, Réginald Delva, the Secretary of State for Public Security identifies at least two problems to which he must find solutions quickly.
The first, is the uncontrolled sale of mobile phones and SIM cards, which affects the proper conduct of investigations. The second concerns the sale of motorcycle taxi.
Concerning the mobile phones, the Secretary of State, asked officials of the National Council of Telecommunications (CONATEL) to take steps to ensure that all sales of cell phones is registered and asked the National Identification Office (ONI) to help him identify criminals.
Jean-Marie Guillaume, Director of CONATEL said he was aware of the weakness of the institution recognizes that 90% of criminals use their phones during their misdeeds. As a first measure he calls the operator to control the pre-activation of SIM cards.
For his part, Jean Baptiste St-Cyr, Director of ONI, announced the establishment of a phone line to help the police to identify a person from his cell phone and asked all operators to take provisions, so that each SIM card is linked to a client, correctly identified.
Regarding the sale and trafficking of motorcycle taxi, Réginald Delva, beyond of the necessity to regulate the sale of motorcycles in Haiti, indicated that the drivers of motorcycle taxi, will have to wear a T-shirt and a helmet, bearing the same identification number, visible to all.
HL/ HaitiLibre