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On Wednesday for the third day of negotiations, the government sat down with the leaders of trade union associations on public transport around the increase in the price of fuels at the pump and tabled new proposals for price increases, revised slightly downward thus, the price per gallon of gasoline which currently sells around 189 gourdes a gallon passes to 279 279 (+48%), diesel gallon price currently 149 Gdes passes to 229 gourdes (+53%) and the gallon of kerosene currently to 148 gourdes increase to 223 Gdes (+ 51%). See proposal of the previous day before http://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-20903-haiti-flash-the-government-would-like-to-increase-gasoline-by-more-than-60.html
Proposal rejected by the leaders of the Trade Union Transport Associations, who in turn tabled a counter-proposal to the Government proposing an increase of 20 Gdes on the gallon of Gazoline (+10%), 15 Gdes on diesel (+10%) and 15 Gourdes on kerosene (+10%) proposal also rejected by the Government, which explained that it could not go lower than what it proposes.
An attitude, qualified of provocation by trade unionists, which led them to harden their position saying that they would not accept increases higher than those they proposed (20-15-15) or 10%, threatening to use the strike as a means of pressure, if they do not agree, suggesting that the Government should find alternative sources of funding.
However, at the end of this third day of negotiations where no agreement has been reached, the front of the trade unions seem fragile, at least divided. Some suggest increasing their counterproposal by a few gourdes, while others are uncompromising and stand on their position. The unions agreed to continue their discussions on Thursday in order to reach a consensus before deciding on a new meeting with the Government.