October 25, 2017
Don’t let a few paid demonstrators ruin life for 12,000,000 Haitians!!
Don’t let these people kill any more PNH officers.
First of all, everyone must accept certain, God-given facts. The first is a simple one.
People must be paid, given phone cards, and plates of food before they will play the game. And, you find the same people marching for diametrically opposed philosophies, on sequential days, taking cash from whoever needs a demonstration.
It doesn’t reflect beliefs.
It is a way of making a living.
Right now we have people demonstration against the Jovenel Moise budget, a budget no one has read so no one really know what it contains.
And none of the marchers have ever paid taxes.
Simply a matter of economics, 1000 Gds will put someone on the street to be against the National Flag today while, another 1000 Gd note will see them for the National Flag tomorrow.
Look at the level of person in the demonstrations. Well fed, well dressed – hardly the grouping one expects from the tone of the rhetoric.
The number of people marching reflects the size of the budget. And the size of the budget reflects the demonstration’s importance to certain groupings.
You won’t find many poor people marching to complain about their personal problems.
But, the the POTENTATES OF POWER, the Dominican Republic, Lavalas, Aristide of other sectors of greed and privilege, you will find unlimited budgets from deep pockets. For example, THE POTENTATES OF POWER are skimming more than $25,000,000 per month, net profit, and this reserve could provide limitless funding for street chaos. My goodness, let’s just blow one month’s profit to destabilize the Jovenel Moise government, then it will be back to things as usual.
Jovenel wants to derail the Status Quo, giving Haiti, and Haitians a chance to use available resources for the benefit of all.
The tiny rich, very, very rich minority with American citizenship, or Residence wants to maintain the existing greedy Status Quo that fills their Citibank accounts and drains the Nation of any possible future
And those who would rob us of a good future? They could use “real money” for the project, but some won’t even do that.
One guy delivered a truckload of old tires for Beauplan on Monday, for burning at yesterday’s march. He was paid by Senator Beauplan with a pile of 1000 Gd notes. The man rushed to the bank to deposit his earnings, only to find he had a bunch of counterfeit,
Good, but not good enough.
Marchers were also paid with bad money.
Beauplan will pay marchers with counterfeit and use the real money to buy his $600,000 home in Orlando. The cash was the partial result of his theft from $43,000,000 Taiwanese funding for the Port-au-Prince airport overhaul.
In the future, if Jovenel does not ban marches, those participating must refuse the 1000 Gd notes and demand a couple of 500s. Why risk being shot for a worthless, colorful piece of paper.
Look at the bills at the top of this page. Guess which is real and which isn’t.
Fortunately, Beauplan’s effort to counterfeit American $100 bills was not as successful. We are trying to find an example and will pay $500 American – in real bills – for anyone who can supply us with a Beauplan $100 bill.
Let’s prohibit any further manifestations and get on with the future. The alternative is not optimistic as Beauplan and Aristide make a final thrust to create a true DEMOCRATIC NARCO STATE.
President Moise needs our support.