FLASH FROM THE PAST – Lavalas/PNH : Photo et parole célèbre de la Policière Marie Christine Jeune…Murdered by Aristide March, 1995 : FRENCH AND ENGLISH

From March, 1995

Pour l’histoire: Photo et parole célèbre de la Policière Marie Christine Jeune avant son assassinat par les hommes de main d’Aristide: ” La constitution m’interdit de serrer les mains d’un bandit armé. S’ils remettent leurs armes à la police je ferai la paix avec eux président. “

Pour l’histoire la photo, March, 1995 de gauche à droite: Chef de gang de cite Soleil, jeneral Titi, Jean Bertrand Aristide, la policière Marie Christine Jeune qui au cours de cette rencontre a refusé de serrer les mains des bandits, Fourrel Celestin, bras droit d’Aristide nommé chef de la police que le sénat avait refusé de confirmer.

Policière Marie Christine Jeune fut – par la suite – assassinée par des hommes de gangs d’Aristide. Elle fut torturée avant d’etre exécutée. Son organe sexuel avait présenté des traces de viol.

Here is what happened.

For weeks Aristide claimed that he had no contact with the Armee Rouge, in Cite Soleir that was attacking Dany Toussaint and his Proviional Police Force.

Lives were lost.

Then Aristide, Fourel Celestin – (PNH officer, drug dealr and Aristide’s cousin), visited Cite Soleir with some other  officers. Canadian trained police officer Marie Christine Jeune accompanied Aristide’s group.

Aristide then embraced Armee Rouge leader General Titi and insisted that the police shake hand with him, Marie Christine Jeune refused. The look in Aristide’s eyes was frightening. The video reflected “death” and that is exactly what the brave lady received.

A couple of days later her badly mutilated, headless body was discovered by some children. She had been raped.

This is what happens to anyone who thwarts the desires of Jean-Bertrand Aristide!! Even today, those involved with Aristide are frightened. The fear that any action might be misunderstood and result in death.

Aristide is still a serious threat, as was demonstrated by the Necklacing of two innocent Haitians  recently when they upset local Lavalas Popular leaders.


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2 thoughts on “FLASH FROM THE PAST – Lavalas/PNH : Photo et parole célèbre de la Policière Marie Christine Jeune…Murdered by Aristide March, 1995 : FRENCH AND ENGLISH

  1. wow
    I won’t stop.
    coincidentally this youtube video happened in carrefour, and I was there. It had nothing to do with Aristide or lavalas.
    I understand you, but not everything acted of perelebrun is from lavalas

    1. Actually Rosiny, this happened in Cite Soleir in front of the customs building.

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