Radio reports that President Preval has placed an Interdiction Order against EX-Justice Minister Exume. He could be arrested at any moment.
Only yesterday, Preval insiders said he wanted to arrest former Prime Minister Jacques Alexis but was afraid of the backlash. Seems as though Preval’s dossier, against Alexis, could be countered by Alexis’ dossier against Preval, in sort of a Mexican Stand Off.
One would think that Preval would be hesitant to attack Alexis since he allowed Alexis’ theft of something like $500,000 per month from the Primature during the Prime Minister ship of Pierre-Louis, another Preval crony.
Alexis also took over a dozen armored SUV/Jeeps from the Prime Minister’s office, during the Pierre-Louis period and she did nothing to stop Alexis’ depredations.
Rumor has it that Alexis has some major problems in Canada. Seems as though, when he was Minister of Education he stole a lot of money and used the funds for the purchase of two expensive homes in Canada. Some of the stolen money was Canadian funding for Haiti. When the Canadians asked him to explain the source of the funds for the houses, Alexis refused to say anything.
He was also the guy who – as Prime Minister- ordered one infamous police inspector to get tough, resulting in the deaths of about 11 people via summary executions. The inspector, along with 15 members of his family, was killed in the January 12 quake. Justice delayed, I suppose..
He wants a Canadian visa. Seems as though they said they would give him one, under the table, so to speak. The fool refused this and now demands to know the facts.
Perhaps, at long last, the Canadians will reveal Jacques Edward Alexis for the thieving pig he really is.
The old saying…”It takes a thief to catch a thief” fits the Preval/Alexis/Exume situation…but what is Exhume being blamed for??