Wyclef is not in Haiti right at the moment. There is a reason why he has not spoken publicly about his announcement to run for President of Haiti in November 2010. He took a flight at the last moment to meet with Aristide in South Africa.
8 thoughts on “FLASH-FLASH-FLASH-Is Wyclef Aristide’s Puppet?? He takes flight to South Africa to meet Aristide in exile”
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What??? You have to be joking? If you have half a brain, you would see this is all something that has been planned.
Lavalas is blocked from the elections. How else are they going to have a chance?
What a farce. And this is supposed to be a Democracy? Horseshit. It is a bloody mess, and a mockery of what justice is supposed to be.
One must look to our past.
Wyclef purchased Aristide’s TV station after February, 2004.
He has been close to our ex-president.
Wyclef is like many of us.
He is an opportunist, who is surrounded by opportunists, each hoping to benefits from Wyclef’s success. Ex-Deputy Jean-Jacques, who spoke for Wyclef’s TIME magazine articlle, wants to be mayor of Ption-Ville. This will augment his cocaine profits since he is involved in the drug matter.
Heaven help us and save Haiti from Haitians.
We need a real person who believes in the people and has no desire for personal fortune. We need someone like PERE CICO, leader of the ANC.
Aristide is trapped in South Africa without a passport.
I am not one who voted for Aristide, but he is a Haitian and he was our President.
It is a crime that this man, no matter what your personal view might be, should not have a passport and the freedom to travel as he wishes.
President Preval’s refusal to give Aristide this courtesy is the act of a dictateur.
Give Aristide the respect he deserves as a citizen of Haiti!!!
Wycelf would do a better job than Preval is doing! There is nobody that could dispute that.
I like two other people, but I do not know if they have been considering running.
If Wyclef does not run, who he endorses will be the next President.
If Wyclef reads this, your country shines when they hear your name.
Please be good to us, and do what is best for us, not the people that want you to be in power.
Remember that you are a good man-politics can make a person forget
i see things differently after giving thought.
trust is gone still
I think that each one of us excel in what he/she does better. Wyclef is good at what he does best: music and could be a very good advocate. He’s not a man who has been in Haiti working and contributing his way to the top job of this country. He knows about pauverty of his country and is willing to step up to contribute as a haitian. That doesn’t qualifies him to be president. He had felt the need to help because he know how hard life can be for those who struggle. It is time for us to stop voting with our heart for whoever is famous or gets famous or has some money, who speaks the “people’s language”, as I would call it using the “I’m your guy’s, I stand for you”, kind of words to win the vote of the poorest. People who have no plan, don’t know where to start, come with the “black and light skin” issues, who try to keep more haitians in the dark by misleading them, runs the country as if it is their back yard, I mean it’s like Haiti is a football field. Each elected comes on, plays their game and push the ball to whoever they feel should have it next. What about our code of civic and moral, our Haitian Consitution, all of which contain the codes and regulations by which a man should become president of Haiti? Which stipulates that to be president of Haiti one has to: be 21 of age, be a haitian of origin, never renounced to the haitian nationality, be of moral values and so on and so forth. What about all that? I mean, this is becoming just a super big joke! Anybody who acquires some king of “fame” with a financial plus, feels that he/she can run for president. What about education, studies, experience, the knowledge of international politic, the ascending ways to the presidential position. I mean, these people are forgetting that being president is a job, not just like any other job, but one in which the elected cannot keep on spitting shame after shame on a whole country. My God! If we are going to copy others, lets start copying well and look at how it’s done in “normal countries”. We are getting known around the world for choosing anybody to run our country; when is this ever going to stop? I am pround of each haitian who helps another haitian. But running the country is a total different bal.
Wyclef should leave now and not get involved in Haitian politics; its dangerous and inconsistant. He should go for cultural ambassador !
Diane Jean-Jacques
August 19, 2010
I would like to know if one of the candidates for haiti presidency declared that he wanted to be president for the youth only, what is the outcome for the adult generation, after all those people who were already lost from the January 2010’s earthquake, is there going to be more lost of life.
Lets not joke with human life and take matter seriously at heart for the sake of our Lord Jesus-Christ (Master of all human souls). Right now Haiti is desperate needs of a truthful, honest, caring, high-self esteem,fear for Almighty God, well educated, details oriented, loving, knowledgeable about the citizens needs who has a strong short-term and long-term goal for Haiti. We all know that only our Heavenly Father and our Lord Jesus-Christ can provide Haiti with a strong and able leader to lead the country, as is it written in the Book of Hebrews 13:8-Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today, yes and forever. Just like in the Book of 1 Samuel 16, The Almighty God had chosen David to lead the Isrealites nation. May the Almighty God by his abundant grace and mercies show mercy for Haiti and forgive them for all their sins and for the glory of His Holy Name chose the best candidate who has the best interest in heart to lead the Haitians’ nations.