The former Senate President of Haiti, Bernard Sansaricq, told a crowd of Donald Trump supporters Friday that Bill Clinton once tried to bribe him.
Speaking at a Trump campaign event in Little Haiti, Sansaricq explained that he became president of the Senate in 1994, a year during which the Clinton presidency attempted to oust the oppressive military regime in Haiti by threat of invasion. Sansaricq said that in order to try to “appease” him at the time, Clinton sent Bill Richardson, a former U.S. Representative of New Mexico.
Sansaricq said he spoke with Richardson for four hours during the visit in an attempt to persuade him not to invade Haiti, asking him to “take the message back to President Clinton.”
A week later, the American embassy sent an anonymous messenger back to Sansaricq, who allegedly told him that if he “sided” with Bill Clinton in the invasion, he would become “the richest man in Haiti.”