by OdlerRobert Jeanlouie

Today, we are at ex-act-ly 3 weeks from the World Cup…

Like you, ESPN must have thought about it.  Why, in the world, did FIFA pick Pitbull’s We Are One as the theme song for the World Cup?  This is such a letdown, such a departure from Shakirah’s Waka Waka of 2010…  Pitbull just does not have what it takes to create the song for the major sporting event in the world.
ESPN decided to go to someone who comes from a country where football is king. That country is the Caribbean island of Haiti, where no one will work or sleep between June 12 and July 13, the duration of the World Cup.  Jonathan Perry (simply known as J.Perry) is the author of the song, Dekole. The lyrics have nothing to do with football, but the beat is just IT.
ESPN, spending 300 million dollars to broadcast the 2014 World Cup in the U.S, has ignored FIFA’s official theme. It will be using the song written and performed by J.Perry. Submitted here to your delectation, is a Brazilian interpretation Dekole, during the last carnaval, by Claudia Leite, star of Bloco Largadinho and new darling of Salvador da Bahia.
J. Perry was Claudia’s special guest during the carnaval… Watch, listen, and enjoy…
Bravo ESPN, bravo J.Perry, and kudo to Haiti’s Konpa music…
Dekole | Versão Claudia Leitte Ft. J. Perry
(OdlerRobert Jeanlouie, Thursday, May 22, 2014)

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