September 7, 2015
I cannot recall the exact time when someone decided Haitians needed political polling, like those that drive the American system.
We have seen several, including some counterfeit attempts to claim GALLUP associations.
Haiti has its BRIDE, and other charades. During a radio interview, a lawyer, who is a current Presidential candidate, said that, during the 2006 elections, a prominent Presidential candidate says he paid BRIDE $40,000 to be named Number 1.
When this didn’t happen, he complained, only to be told that someone else had offered more!!
And he didn’t get a refund.
So much for integrity in polling.
Polls are supposed to be unbiased. In Haiti, it seems as though nothing can be unbiased. With this in mind, we believe the best way to poll Haitian feelings, with regard to the Presidential Election, is to avoid giving each target a Shopping Menu from which to select a candidate.
Those asked feel obligated to pick one, when they really like none..
Results from these polls, in Haiti, do not reflect much of anything, other than the polite willingness to pick a name, any name, to make the pollster happy.
The August 9’s reality should be a lesson in integrity, or a lack of it. Fewer than 2% actually voted. Haitians don’t care about Parliament. Their only interest is in the Presidential vote. But, to avoid embarrassment, and make the game seem real, 18% was reported by the CEP. All of the International Community applauded the wonderful results.
Come on – give us a break!
OK. What would be the best way to really discover the real Haitian voter’s desires, if a free-and-fair election was ever held?
First of all, limit the people questioned to those qualified voters who are less than 25 years old. This is the group that will make up the majority of real people who actually try to vote. They are over 54% of the registered voters!
Then ask a very simple question that can be answered by everyone.
We had 19 people, scattered through the 10 Departments ask this simple question, over a period of two weeks. During their normal contacts with people, each day, they would work this question into their conversations.
Over the days, several thousand were contacted. Our people kept a pencil and paper in their pocket to register the results.
With very, very, very few exceptions those 4,321 questioned answered along this line:
Laurent Lamothe, but he isn’t a candidate. I don’t know who….. or,
Laurent Lamothe, but he isn’t a candidate, so I’m not voting….
With the question asked, the results were so powerful as to be an embarrassment to Martelly, Pamela White, America’s Ambassador, the OAS, MUNUSTAH, Canada, France and all the other people who validated the August 9 crime and ignored Lamothe’s illegal rejection by Martelly.
7% Named other candidates
32% Declined comment
61%. Openly enthusiastic for Lamothe
Common sense says a lot of the 32% who Declined, would vote for Lamothe.
Martelly’ blocking of Lamothe created a huge vacuum in the situation, a situation aimed at establishing and expanding, positive future for Haiti. What remains is Despair.
This non-scientific polling method created parallel results to one poll carried out – some weeks ago – by a Port-au-Prince media group in Canape Vert. They stopped four 16 passenger buses and asked the 60+ riders who they wanted as their President. All but one said they wanted Laurent Lamothe.
The single dissenter mentioned Celestin.
No one mentioned Jacky Lumarque.
Lumarque is a synthetic candidate, created by Preval, who hopes money will buy the Presidency – again.
He could be right. Martelly believes this is a truth and hopes to buy power for his 2 parties PHTK and BOUCLIER.
The establishment, focused upon protecting selfish interests, to the detriment of Haiti’s majority, and the Nation, know the percentage is close to the Truth.
Laurent Lamothe has won the trust of Haiti’ vast majority, a majority that has really abandoned any interest in playing the Blan’s electoral games.
Haiti’s majority HATE politicians/politics and don’t include Lamothe with this group. They have “Adopted him” and truly like the guy.
They trust him to try and do something that will better their lives, the lives of their children.
They would turn out in massive numbers, with Lamothe on the ballot.
Without Lamothe, the turn out will be its usual low percentage, multiplied by a factor of 2 or 3 by the International Community to justify the expensive charade.
The majority of Haitians feel betrayed by Martelly.
PWOMIS SE DET was just another lie, and they believed it.
The Haitian Nation hangs by a thread.
The very survival of the Blan’s favorite export – Democracy – is in doubt, as various internal, and external elements play personal, self-gratifying games for their own account.
In Haiti everything seems to have a price.
Many things in dollars and cents.
But the real price is often an invisible price. If the frightening vacuum, created by Martelly’s betrayal of Lamothe, and the Nation, is not filled, many other negative reactions will result.
Our economy is wavering, on the edge of collapse, a collapse that will occur after Martelly abandons ship in February, 2016. The $300,000,000 lost from Douane, since Lamothe’s departure, will create a chain-reaction that ripples through all sectors of Haitian society.
The cost of living will explode.
Families will be unable to send children to school.
Tensions will build, destabilizing law-and-order.
Desperation will see people committing “crimes of necessity.”
People will die in the violence.
Haitians will starve to death, already a growing reality.
More desperation will see an accelerating flow of Haitians towards the Dominican Republic. More Boat People.
Insecurity will frighten away potential investors.
All of these factors will see Haiti evolving from a nation with the optimism enjoyed during the Martelly/Lamothe teamwork, to an out of control, downward spiraling society, breaking apart upon the rocks of a predictable disaster.
Haiti is in danger of becoming a state controlled, officially, and Democratically, by drug-dealers. We are close to this.
Everyone has a responsibility to avoid the imminent train wreck.
President Martelly – at this late date, has a major responsibility.
The Civil Society has a responsibility.
Haiti’s education/student community has a responsibility.
Our political leaders have a responsibility.
Church leaders have a responsibility.
The business community has a responsibility.
The Diaspora has a responsibility.
The often ignored majority, our Traditional Society, has a responsibility, and,
Laurent Lamothe has a responsibility.
Unless everyone recognizes their responsibilities, and moves, as one, to save Haiti, we will slide into the Abyss.
There is little time remaining.
Time is of the Essence.
History has a habit of repeating itself.
A very good analysis.
There is still time to correct this mistake, but I don’t think the International Community has the resolve, or conscience to force the issue.
This mistake will be a horrendously expensive mistake, in the long-run.
They really force garbage, on the poor Haitian majority.
Usually I am on board with the “international community should do more to help us out of this mess meme”, but not this time. The Intl community is self-serving as it should be. We need to help ourselves. If Haitian really wanted Lamothe, then the Haitians in Haiti, the diaspora and Lamothe himself should rally every day non-stop. For such a gross injustice, we have all but remained silent. If we made noise, and I don’t mean “kraze brize”, like the “black lives matter movement”, we would have a candidate Lamothe on the ballot without the payment of bribes. It seems that Haitians are only capable to crashing and burning, but incapable of coming together to peacefully fight for a worthy cause. As much as I like Lamothe, I also caution against our zeal to make every likable candidate a GOD. Power corrupts and this is this same zeal that got us all our previous sick Presidents who started off with great promise and then raped and pillaged the country….
Usually I am on board with the “international community should do more to help us out of this mess meme”, but not this time. The Intl community is self-serving as it should be. We need to help ourselves. If Haitian really wanted Lamothe, then the Haitians in Haiti, the diaspora and Lamothe himself should rally every day non-stop. For such a gross injustice, we have all but remained silent. If we made noise, and I don’t mean “kraze brize”, like the “black lives matter movement”, we would have a candidate Lamothe on the ballot without the payment of bribes. It seems that Haitians are only capable to crashing and burning, but incapable of coming together to peacefully fight for a worthy cause.
As much as I like Lamothe, I also caution against our zeal to make every likable candidate a GOD. Power corrupts and this is the same zeal that got us all our previous sick Presidents who started off with great promise and then raped and pillaged the country….
Pa pral genyen okenn eleksyon mwa Oktòb 25. Bagay pral fail anvan tan sa a.
Les élections sont vouées à Opont comme chef. Martelly contrôle de KEP doit être brisé. Nouvelle loi électorale created.Lamothe retourné.
Haïti n’a pas de chance.
Avec tristesse que je constate Haïti.
Lamothe a fait beaucoup pour mon peuple, mais ce sera bientôt oublié, sauf si il retourne.
I was fortunate to attend Haiti’s National School when education meant something. My Haitian foundations saw me equivalent to second year American university students.
The Martelly/Lamothe team tried to do something for the poor students, but their efforts are now destroyed by the present government.
Lamothe should be the one to continue the work to save Haiti.
I am fearful that past incompetence of Evans Paul, and others, will be the final solution.
Thank you for the observation.
You are exactly right.
Haitians must create their own destiny.
Unfortunately, we have to grass roots from which to buid a resistance or action.
Everyone marches to their own drummer.
I am not optimistic.
Lamothe should be on the ground, letting us know he is alive and well —- interested in his people, and their needs.