October 8, 2015

We were faced by the immoral and illegal deportation of some 300,000 people from the Dominican Republic. These were Haitians, who had lived there for many years, and people born there years ago, who speak only Spanish.

The International Community was on Haiti’s side.

We were winning.

And then, some of Martelly’s inner circle decided we should close the border to a list of 23 products, forcing deliver of these – to Haiti – via air or boats. This was supposed to control contraband, at the border, but really benefits a half dozen – or so – Haitian businessmen.

This ignored certain realities.

The most basis is the fact that biscuits and powdered juice are basic factors in kids’ school lunches. The Dominican products are important to our basis school system since Haitian families cannot afford the criminal prices charged by local supermarkets.

Of course, this is not one-sided. The Dominicans are badly damaged by the blockage since their economy sees something like $500,000,000 per year sold into the Haitian economy.

And there is a secondary factor people fail to recognize. Chinese, Spanish and other foreign manufacturers channel their products through the Dominican Republic. This stoppage has an effect on their business.

These secondary foreigners have provided funding to destabilize Haiti so that they can get their products moving again. These foreign elements are rumored to have send large bundles of American $100 bills and heavy weapons into our Nation. These elements will work to destroy the electoral process and Martelly’s government.

The DR and its foreign partners, want chaos in Haiti. Instability works in their favor.

Some high-level members of Aristide’s earlier team are recipients of the funds for disaster. They will hope for a revival of Lavalas political power.

We now see the DR’s Ambassador withdrawn, while the DR throws our Ambassador out the door.

We are on a slippery slide.

Someone should sit down and think, for a few moments.

The border blockage is in no one’s interests.

We will see some drastic and damaging effects on our economy and cost of living. One started, the inflation cannot be stopped.

We have already seen – a few weeks ago -a self-inflicted inflation of something like 22.4% generated by our Governor, Central Bank, Castel when he devalued the Haitian currency, against that of the Dominican Republic.  With the stroke of a pen Castel knocked something close to $400,000,000 out of our economy!!! This makes Haitian good more expensive and more difficult to sell, while Dominican goods are cheaper and will flood our markets.

Castel, and some others, should be shot.

What we need is a firing squad.


Author: `


  1. Andres Navarro , ministre affaires étrangères de la République Dominicaine à déclaré officiellement suite à une réunion, que si les autorités haïtiennes n’annulent pas la décision d’interdiction par voie terrestre des 23 produits dominicains , il n’y aura pas d’ambassadeur de République Dominicaine en Haiti et aucun envoyé comme ambassadeur d’Haïti en République Dominicaine ne recevra pas de lettre créance.

    Les participants à cette réunion ont été les personnes suivantes :
    Andres Navarro Ministre des affaires étrangères ,
    Jose Del Castillo Savinon Ministre de l’industrie et du commerce, Luis Ramon Rodriguez Ministre de l’agriculture, Francisco Dominguez Brito Ministre de la Justice , Jose Ramon Fadul Ministre de l’intérieur et de la police et Gustavo Adolfo Montalvo Ministre de la présidence.

  2. La presencia militar dominicana en la frontera después de violentos incidentes ocurridos en Jimaní donde cinco personas fueron heridas de bala por un guardia fronterizo. El comercio entre Haití y República Dominicana a través de la frontera terrestre continúa paralizado por cuarto día consecutivo debido a una huelga contra la decisión del gobierno haitiano de vedar la importación por esa vía de 23 productos dominicanos. Comerciantes y camioneros de ambas naciones han bloqueado con vehículos todos los cruces que hacen posible el paso a Haití de mercancías desde las provincias de Jimaní, Pedernales, Elías Piña y Dajabón. Con esta medida de protesta buscan que las autoridades haitianas deroguen un decreto que desde el 1 de octubre prohíbe el paso terrestre de un grupo de mercancías, algunas de primera necesidad, y obliga a enviar esas exportaciones por vía marítima o terrestre, lo que encarece el trasiego. Autoridades de Haití indican que la norma es una forma de garantizar el cobro de los impuestos, que se perdían por el contrabando y el pésimo funcionamiento de su sistema aduanero, y para controlar la entrada de productos en beneficio de sus empresas productoras.

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