A foreign engineer was visiting St. Marc today when he witnessed an amazing performance, which he described, upon his return to Port-au-Prince.
As he stood next to his vehicle, surveying a construction site, sixty, or more, of state-owned buses drove past, loaded with people. These were followed by dozens of Land Cruisers, also State-owned, loaded with more people. Accompanying the swarm were 16 PNH police cars, with sirens and rotating beacons. 127 (he counted these) motorcycles and a bunch of low-boys, carrying heavy construction equipment.
The circus stopped in front of a long wall – he thinks this is about a half mile long – completely plastered with Celestin election posters.
The buses should have been carrying children to school.
The Land Cruisers should have been doing State business elsewhere.
The police cars should have been dealing with crime, instead of escorting it.
The motorcycles were bought, and distributed by Celestin, as part of his campaign.
All of this circus was set to impress the voters in St Marc as to what Engineer Celestin would do for them, should he become president.
His personal security includes over 50 guys from the palace.
This entire process gives “the finger” to Haitians and the International Community.
This obscene display was funded with money stolen from the Haitian People.
Unfortunately – in Haiti – the poor peasant will follow the guy who tosses coins along the path in the hope that salvation will follow. It has never followed and the Peasant will be cheated yet again.
And,Engineer Celestin is not an Engineer. His schooling has absolutely nothing to do with engineering but no one challenges him on this.
His post-graduate course is in crime.
Actually, there was more than 300 motorcycles with Celestin.
He has purchased 500 for distribution to his supporters, using our money to steel our election.
Haiti has no hopes.
And when the Celestin caravan departed they took all of the construction equipment with them, leaving only a few hundred empty plastic water bottles around the space.