Aout 16, 2019 Today at 7:48 AM
However controversial a political figure, Senator Youri Latortue (AAA – Artibonite) was recognized on Friday by the organization, Viv Ayiti, for his indisepensable role in bring the crimes of excessive corruption and embezzlement of billions of state monies of the PetroCaribe fund to the forefront of the Haitian political scene.
Samuel Maxime
Mr. Latortue was among several honored and recognized on Friday. There was Senator Evalière Beauplan (PONT – Nord’Ouest), Croix-des-Bouquets Mayor Rony Colin, Radio Journalists, Liliane Pierre Paul and Jean Monard Metellus, and Radio Director Marvel Dandin, among them.
The socially conscious rapper WÒKLÒ honored the ceremony with his presence as the honorees received plaques of important magnitude from the organization’s National Coordinators and tireless activists, Biron Odige and Rony Timothee.