BEWARE A TROJAN HORSE!! Haitian Expats, Long Dissed By Haiti, Set To Play Key Role In Sunday’s Election
By Tim Padgett • 12 hours ago
Haitian diaspora leaders with interim Haitian President Jocelerme Privert (middle in white shirt) last month in Port-au-Prince. (Dr. Joseph Baptiste behind Privert’s right shoulder; Jean-Robert Lafortune second from left.)
Courtesy National Organization for the Advancement of Haitians
I am taking this unusual opportunity to comment, in advance of an article, so the reader will carry my thoughts as the article is scanned.
I have also attached yesterday’s WASHINGTON POST article on the 2015 elections, and how they were really 90% OK by international standards.
The use of Diaspora observers seems very good, on the surface, but one must analyze their motivations, and political bias. They should, of necessity, be unbiased, but this will not be the case. The existing Diaspora Observers are a part of the PRIVERT PLAN to steal the elections and install a LAVALAS government.
Privert has wined, dined, and transported his select team of pro-Lavalas Observers. They will be a part of his system that will rubber stamp Privert’s pre-ordained results in the October 9 vote…. Or whenever it is finally held.
Do not be surprised if Lavalas is resurrected, from the grave, pushing Aristide’ surrogate candidate, the colorless, inanimate Maryse Narcisse into the National Palace, even though Lavalas only received 7% in the 2015 election.
The 135, or so, Diaspora Observers are mostly Lavalas-oriented, with strong resentments of the recent governments, including that of Rene Preval. They have been in self-imposed exile in Miami, or elsewhere, often working at minimum wage jobs, or no jobs at all.
Many of the Diaspora Observers have been promised a position in “Their Government” so we cannot count on their neutrality. After all, a Cabinet Minister’s slot is better than being a security guard at 711.
They know Privert can do this. He has already absorbed a thousand Lavalas people into government, along with all of the key media people and gang-leaders.
QUOTE -“Privert and the parliament pledged three things: to push for dual citizenship rights for expats; draft a plan to give the diaspora non-voting representation in parliament; and follow through with letting expats vote in Haitian elections from abroad.” UNQUOTE
Privert has no Constitutional basis for this, since his Mandate expired last June. Of course, he actually plans o remain in place – or install a Lavalas government, no matter how the people actually vote.
Back in July, State Department spokesman John Kirby confirmed the U.S. had “suspended its assistance toward completion of the presidential electoral process” in Haiti.
Which means: Uncle Sam is not helping to pay for the presidential election being held in Haiti this coming Sunday. Nor will it help with the likely run-off election scheduled for January.
Other international donors, like Canada, have also cut off election aid. Simply put, they’re fed up with Haiti’s political leaders.
“All those nations, they have reached what I call Haiti fatigue,” say Jean-Robert Lafortune, who heads the Haitian-American Grassroots Coalition in Miami.
Why? Pay attention:
Haiti held a first-round presidential election last year. The U.S. alone donated $33 million for it. International observers OK’d the results, which had the ruling party’s candidate, Jovenel Moïse, and opposition candidate Jude Célestin headed for a second-round runoff. But the opposition accused then President Michel Martelly of having tried to rig the election in favor of Moïse.
That sparked violent street protests, and the run-off election was never held. Term limits forced Martelly to leave office in February. But there was no new President to take over. Haiti’s parliament instead chose an interim President: Jocelerme Privert.
Privert and Haiti’s election commission then scrapped last year’s first-round election and called for a complete do-over, set for October 9.
We have been left in the cold for very, very long. This time we were surprised. We were well received. – Jean-Robert Lafortune
Get all that? Here’s the bottom line:
“The whole international community, they’re very frustrated,” says Dr. Joseph Baptiste, another Haitian-American leader who heads the National Organization for the Advancement of Haitians in Washington.
“They feel like they’re wasting their money.”
But Baptiste points out that Haiti and Haitians are themselves fed up with that they call U.S. and international meddling in Haitian elections.
So with Haiti and its international donors divorced right now, who’s going to help Haiti put on Sunday’s election?
Haiti says it can handle the $25 million cost for this new first round. But who’s going to monitor the vote to make sure there’s no repeat of last year’s electoral chaos?
“We’re not going to stay on the sidelines,” says Baptiste. “We’re going to come down.”
In other words, stepping into the void will be Haitian-Americans.
That’s significant because Haiti usually keeps its diaspora at arm’s length. Although Haitian expats send $2 billion back to Haiti each year, Haiti’s elite tends to resent them. But that may be changing now that Haiti feels itself more isolated.
So last month Baptiste and a dozen other diaspora leaders, including Lafortune, visited Haiti and President Privert. It was a rare instance of a Haitian head of state meeting with a diaspora delegation.
“We have been left in the cold for very, very long,” says Lafortune. “This time we were surprised. We were well received.”
In fact, as the expats dined with Privert at the Karibe Hotel in Port-au-Prince’s upscale Petionville district, Lafortune was reminded of the Old Testament story of Joseph.
“Privert said, ‘Consider that you are home in Haiti,’” Lafortune recalls. “It’s like when Joseph was discovered by his brothers when he went into exile.”
Privert and the expats struck a deal of sorts. On the one hand, the umbrella group known as the United Front of the Haitian Diaspora will send 150 neutral observers to help lend Sunday’s election more credibility. It’s the diaspora’s first-ever observation mission in Haiti.
“This is the first step toward us getting more involved in the political process in Haiti,” Haiti native and South Florida attorney Soeurette Michel told me by phone from Washington, where she’s been receiving election observer training.
“The more we get involved the better it will be. So I’m very excited.”
Which brings us to Haiti’s part of the deal. Privert and the parliament pledged three things: to push for dual citizenship rights for expats; draft a plan to give the diaspora non-voting representation in parliament; and follow through with letting expats vote in Haitian elections from abroad.
Lafortune says those are key to letting expats and their resources help rescue the most crisis-ridden country in the Americas.
“I believe it was smart for the government to open up its door because Haiti is basically sinking in poverty – hopeless and helpless,” says Lafortune. Haitian expats, he adds, “have the know-how” the country needs – from construction and engineering to healthcare and education services.
“If we have the good will to help, we should be able to do it,” says Michel. “So if the U.S. doesn’t want to help with the election, that’s turned out to be a good thing for us.”
Right now it’s that election that gives the diaspora a chance to show its know-how. The front-running candidates are still Moïse and Célestin – but at the moment the bigger question is whether Haiti can manage to hold an election so soon after the country gets hit by Hurricane Matthew today.
Don’t listen to the losers. Haiti’s last election met international standards.
October 3, 2016
Regarding the Sept. 30 editorial “Haiti’s second chance”:
The editorial board is right to insist on the importance of a good election in Haiti. It’s about the only way the population can get more competent people into a woefully inadequate government. It is not fair, though, to suggest that the United States or international observers adopted a lower, good-enough-for-Haiti standard for the last election. We rigorously compiled the data from the openings, voting process, closings and counts. Most scored in the 90th percentile — good enough for anywhere.
We compared hundreds of manual counts and carbon copies of polling returns against the published results — they matched, and that’s precision Haiti can be proud of. The “zombie votes” the editorial referred to? In Haiti, losing candidates consider any votes not cast for them to be zombie votes. The last election was well-administered by the electoral apparatus but overtaken by a political storm sparked by losing candidates. This happens in Haiti. We ought not buy into these candidates’ self-serving narrative but stand with Haiti when it achieves, against the odds, a good election.