This isn’t a debate over interpretation of the Constitution, Electoral Law, or Einstein’s Theory of Relativity.
It is the simple fact that President Michel Martelly, our latest dictator, doesn’t want ex-Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe on the ballot.
What can be simpler than that?
It isn’t rocket science!
And, Martelly is telling inside associates, who have voiced an interest in being candidates – “not to spend money on elections.”
In other words, there will be no elections!
This has been a carefully manipulated progression that now sees the nation in an impossible situation.
MINUSTAH has stated that 6 of 10 Departments are too unstable for elections.
Ex-Senate President Desras says that, in one situation, involving 120 communes, fewer than 20 are not RED ZONES. Under President Preval, downtown Port-au-Prince was a RED ZONE in which police and MINUSTAH didn’t operate, after dark.
The present CEP – totally controlled by Martelly – which is not supposed to be the case – could not organize themselves for lunch, let alone coordinate a national vote.
Martelly carefully selected the 9 CEP members – some who still don’t have their own personal Discharge! These people should remember that they must live in Haiti, after the disaster they are creating.
King Martelly, Queen Sophia and Prince Olivier have tens of millions stolen USD, if not hundreds of millions USD to support their extravagant lifestyle somewhere else.
And now Radio Metropole reports a shortfall of $20,000,000 USD in Douane, for May, because of contraband – a situation created by Martelly’s team to steal more money. We will lose another $20,000,000 in June… then July,,, then August.
5 months will give the criminals another $100,000,000 USD to share!!
Martelly has carefully planned our present situation, a situation that cannot – no matter what anyone says – carry out his promised electoral schedule.
Martelly has forgotten the people, supposedly “his” people in his rush for dollars and power.
At this very moment, we have people starving to death in the Northwest!
They believed that Martelly’s PWOMIS SE DET equaled something more than KAKA BOEUF.
Those who survive will remember him for what he is.