Anne Auguste, the lady who, a complainant suggested, placed contracts for Aristide was called into court to testify as to her involvement with the assassination of Jean Dominique in 2000.
The old Irish saying…”Suspicion haunts the guilty mind…” will become a more important factor in the non-return of Jean Bertrand Aristide.
While UN-paid provocateurs, like Michelle Montas – pepper Jean Claude Duvalier, with frivolous complaints, Aristide and Preval face countless actionable complaints for murder, kidnap, cocaine complicity, and massive theft of funds from the Haitian treasury.
Jean Claude Duvalier has been hit with 18 complaints and threats from the UN human rights lady. Peter Jennings, on ABC, once listed 89 specific political killings under Aristide. Jacques Ketant, and a couple of dozen others, all testified to the fact that Aristide and Preval controlled the flow of cocaine into, and out of Haiti.
This testimony, and DEA evidence, sits waiting for action.
Imagine Aristide’s new life in Haiti as a couple of thousand people file complaints against him! This will become a Lavalas of legal actions that will drown those who were in the Preval/Aristide entourage.
And, finally, imagine a Noriega style action in which Aristide is scooped up and flown off to Miami for trial on cocaine charges. As Cocaine Kingpins he and Preval would face mandatory life sentences on conviction. They would spend the rest of their lives in the Federal Prison in Marion, Illinois.
Aristide is a realist.
He recognizes the reality of the present situation and will use his diplomatic passport to go somewhere else, if the South African continues their pressure to get rid of him.
Some South Africans complain that he is a financial burden to their community. This is not true. The American Treasury Department is footing the bill.
And Aristide, the realist, realizes that Michel Martelly has taken many of Aristide’s supporters under his wing.
Martelly is now!
Unless he returns immediately, Aristide is the past!
Very hot stuff.
Too hot to handle.
It’s your turn to play nowww.
…and the moral of your article is…? For once, STOP your non-sense. Your GNB Time is over.
So what, Aristide goes back home? If you were victim during his presidency, press charge! It is no big deal, Aristide is known worldwide, and nobody knows who we are. Should have use your time on the web to do something constructive for the well being of humanity.
By the way, one day they(?)will stop using you for vulgarizing their propaganda. Then, what?