July 8, 2018
The opposition was just testing the waters as they used the increased fuel price as the detonator for their bomb.
The next time they may use a government attempt to collect taxes, or actually try to collect import duties and charges on containers handling at the dock. The container question is a real one. It is common knowledge that we have one guy bringing in something like 1,000 containers per month, without paying fees required. Correcting this one flaw would help balance the budget. Unfortunately, there is enough cash involved here to see an investment in the next ”People’s Demonstration,” should Jovenel be bold enough to act. Since the paid demonstrators have had a taste of “pillage” many more will join the frenzy as sponsors authorize theft, as part of their pay.
Any attempt to collect duty at Douane will see another detonator inserted by the opponents of Jovenel Moise. We are losing something like $1,000,000,000 in duty each year. This would almost cover the national budget.
Unfortunately, Privert inserted, among thousands who should have been eliminated with Jovenel’s win, the brother of Aristide’s personal secretary, Jean Jorel Janvier as Director General of Douane, creating an impediment to any effort by President Moise.
And then there is the ELECTRICITY SUPPLY CHALLENGE – which could present another detonator to create another explosive demonstration as the POTENTATES OF POWER – SOGENOR – E-POWER and HAYTRAK fund a few dozen people disrupt society in an effort to protect their criminal monopoly of power generation.
A monopoly that sees them generate a net profit of $23,000,000 per month.
This legacy is one created by Rene Preval in a 50 year deal that saw his wife as a key player.
Preval also oversaw the Privatization of Haiti’s governmental businesses controlling Cement, Flour, Electricity….etc….. that saw these sold to friends at bargain prices. The State retained a 30% interest in Minoterie but has yet to collect one penny from the very lucrative flour business.
Preval’s partners have made fortunes!
Time to Nationalize!!
Duvalier once said these few business were the source of his total budgetary requirements. In one move President Clinton’s pressure forced a situation that effectively made it impossible for Jovenel Moise to do what the International Community now demands.
A President should be able to rectify these imbalances. President Jovenel Moise should be able to solve these challenges for his people.
In a real nation this would be the case. Unfortunately, Haiti is a dictatorship of commerce, a commerce controlled by a few who simply wish to bleed as much as possible, from the economy, into accounts somewhere else, tax-free, safe from any local implosion.
They all have American visas with which to visit their American bank accounts. Our American friends should use Visa Diplomacy more effectively.
12,000,000 are left unrepresented and resentful. This resentful mass provides the explosives required, simply waiting for someone with personal agendas of greed to insert a detonator.
The monster sleeps, simply awaiting another call to rise and attack whatever survives……. until there is nothing