June 14, 2016

We have been very lucky.

Were it not for the pressure applied by America’s ambassador, and other influential foreign focuses, our Parliament would have accepted a lot of cash to authorize prolongation for the psychopath Privert, “The Hero of La Scerie.”

Some Senators said he threatened their lives, if they did not give him Prolongation. These are serious charges and should be pursued, in the court system, if true.

During the last 24 hours there was a lot of behind the scenes activities as Privert, Aristide, and their team did what they could to hold the power. Fortunes were offered in order to guarantee a successful vote in the Chamber of Deputies and Senate.

Some accepted the cash.

Now that Privert is gone, well PERHAPS he is gone,  do these Senators and Deputies have to refund the money? With the new day, there may be tons of additional cash to convince the weak-hearted that Privert is the answer.


We must be careful since Privert is still maneuvering but the guys who will sell their souls for a handful of American $100 bills still sit in Parliament.

Will Anthony Barbier have to return the expensive JEEP Privert gave him? It was bought with our money and is now registered in Barbier’s name.

Privert managed to steal millions, during his chaotic 120 days in office. Will we move to take that cash back and, perhaps arrest Privert?

And there is the conspiracy between Gedeon Jean, a member of Francois Benoit’s Verification Commission who met with Aristide, Barbie, and other at Tabarre to discuss the election. This May 19 meeting was criminally illegal. Aristide insisted that Jovenel be dropped from the electoral process.

He would accept nothing else!!!

Francois Benoit, the self-proclaimed man of Integrity – sold his Nation for 32 Pieces of Silver, coordinating a false commission that delivered Haiti into the hands of chaos and uncertainty. His pockets are full of $100 American bills and Privert has promised his wife the Ambassador’s position in Paris!

Well now, it is time to deal with the Aristide disease, once and for all. He was allowed a return to Haiti based on his promise to stay away from politics and focus on education.

Aristide’s  word has never been worth anything.

Aristide and Privert were the major initiators of the La Scerie Massacre and now might be an ideal time to revive the case and charge both Aristide and Privert for their involvement.

This is June 15, and Privert should be out of the game.

He isn’t.

And neither is Aristide, the real controller of Privert’s team.

Their opposition is made up of people who don’t have Aristide’s bold, ruthless determination. They are in a really dangerous game, armed with water pistols while Aristide’s guys have assault rifles, handguns, gasoline  and the willingness to destroy our Nation, if they cannot control it.

On the other hand, Martelly’s people are a little naïve and really believe that the way to our future is via the foreigner’s concept of Democracy. Martelly gets blamed for a lot of things, but he is not a violent man. He is not a killer, but he is faced by a band of killers, who have post-graduate experience in violence, dating back to the eighties.

The sad reality of the situation sees THE STREETS wishing Martelly was back in their Palace – after a 120 day absence.

Tomorrow, in Haiti, always brings a new psychodrama. Because of this, we forget yesterday, the day before and the weeks before that. A month ago is distant history, lost in the cobwebs of time.

Aristide never forgets!

We are faced with a situation that should have been resolved with Privert’s departure.

Instead, it has been complicated by his refusal to play by the rules and his willingness, desire, and determination to throw our Nation into anarchic chaos in order to retain power.

People will die in the violence.

People will simply starve to death.

Haiti will become a pariah.

But these people do not care.

Power is their ultimate goal, even if they rule over nothing more than a smoldering hole in the ground.

Like Dracula, they will not be vanquished until someone drives a wooden stake through their hearts.

Our final salvation may come in the form of 300 US Marines.

We must complete the Electoral Process that sees a second round between Jude Celestin and Jovenel Moise, not 50+ candidates, three dogs and someone’s cat..

Otherwise we are doomed to an Ongoing Transition to Nowhere.


-Vu les articles 88, 89, 94, 95-1, 95-3, 98-3, 118, 134-1, et 149 de la Constitution;

-Vu l’Accord du 5 février 2016 garantissant la continuité constitutionnelle à la fin du mandat du Président de la République en l’absence d’un président élu et pour la poursuite du processus électoral;

-Vu l’installation du Président provisoire à la date du 5 février 2016 avec une feuille de route découlant dudit Accord;

-Considérant l’engagement du Président provisoire a oeuvrer à l’application dudit Accord;

-Considérant les contraintes rencontrées dans le processus de mise en oeuvre de la feuille de route, notamment à la mise en place du gouvernement de consensus et à l’installation du Conseil Électoral Provisoire;

-Considérant l’impérieuse obligation pour le Conseil Electoral Provisoire de procéder à l’évaluation des étapes déja franchies en vue de relancer le processus électoral initié au cours de l’annèe 2015.

-Considérant les contraintes rencontrées par les membres du Conseil Electoral dans le processus d’élaboration et de publication d’un calendrier électoral en raison de l’oblication les incombant de procéder préalablement à l’évaluation de la premiére phase dudit processus.

-Considérant la situation socio-économique et financière difficile que vit le pays et l’urgence d’un sursaut patriotique en vue d’éviter aux populations haïtiennes l’éventualité d’autres crises qui viendraient se greffer sur l’insecurité, l’alternance des sécheresses et des inondations liées a la dégradation de l’environnement et les risques de la période cyclonique;

-Considérant les différentes échéances ratées pour compléter le Sénat de la République  (6), la Chambre des Députés  (27), élire les organes des Collectivités Territoriales et un nouveau Président de la République;

-Considérant que les représentants du peuple ont pour devoir de prendre toutes les dispositions en vue de préserver et de renforcer la stabilité politique et d’éviter toute situation pouvant porter préjudice au bien être de la population.

-Considérant la nécessité pour les Pouvoirs constitués de l’Etat de redonner confiance au peuple haïtien dans son système électoral et de redorer l’image du pays dans l’effort pour le renforcement de l’Etat de droit et de la démocratie.

-Considérant la déclaration pour la stabilité politique et sociale signée par une majorité confortable de Députés portant prolongation du mandat du Président provisoire Jocelerme Privert jusqu’à l’installation du nouveau Président élu.

Nous, Sénateurs signataires de la présente pétition, estimons qu’il y a lieu de :

Poursuivre l’objectif de l’Accord du 5 février 2016 et de prolonger le mandat du Président provisoire jusqu’à l’installation d’un nouveau président élu, au plus tard le 7 février 2017.

Maintenir la stabilité politique et le renforcement du climat de confiance, favorable à la stabilité macroéconomique, ainsi que l’ouverture politique observées au niveau national depuis tantôt quatre (4) mois.

Remanier le calendrier électoral de telle maniére à aboutir à la publication des résultats définitifs des élections présidentielles, législatives et sénatoriales au plus tard le 31 décembre 2016.

Suivent les signatures :

Sénateur Westner Polycarpe
Sénateur Cassy Nènel
Sénateur Bien-Aimé Jean-Baptiste
Sénateur Ricard Pierre
Sénateur Cheramy Antonio
Sénateur Francois Lucas SainVil
Sénateur Fritz Carlos Lebon
Sénateur Francenet Denius
Sénateur Evallière Beauplan
Sénateur Ronald Larèche
Sénateur Delacruz Francisco


Author: `


  1. Haiti appeared to enter into another leaderless drift Wednesday as the provisional president’s 120-day mandate came to a close amid backroom negotiations and delays by the deeply polarized country’s political class.

    Lawmakers were scheduled to meet Tuesday to decide whether to extend caretaker President Jocelerme Privert’s term until new elections can be held or pave the way for new interim leader. But a National Assembly session failed to take place on the day Privert’s tenure expired under the deadline of a February accord that helped put him in power.

    In a message issued late Tuesday, the current leaders of the bicameral legislature said Parliament was “conscious of its responsibilities” and citizens would soon be informed about decisions made about the interim president’s fate.

    Whether Privert is still Haiti’s caretaker president depends on who you talk to.

    Emmanuel Jean Francois, communications chief for the prime minister’s office, insisted there was no institutional vacuum and matters would be resolved once lawmakers convened in National Assembly. Privert has repeatedly said that his future will be decided by the divided Parliament, whose members elected him as interim leader amid suspended elections.

    “President Privert is still Haiti’s leader. It’s just that the Parliament was not yet able to gather to make a final decision on whether to extend his term,” Francois said during a phone interview.

    But lower House lawmaker Gary Bodeau insisted that Privert’s term was unquestionably finished. He argues that Prime Minister Enex Jean-Charles automatically became Haiti’s top official at midnight Tuesday.

    “It would be illegal and unconstitutional for Privert to remain in the National Palace,” Bodeau said.

    Haitian historian Georges Michel said he believed that only force would remove Privert from power before elections could take place — and he didn’t see that as a very likely possibility.

    “It’s impossible to say what will happen, but the country is very quiet and very calm for now. So in coming days I think we will see a sort of status quo,” he said.

    The Tet Kale political party of former President Michel Martelly announced a “popular mobilization” to force the ouster of Privert on Tuesday. But it failed to get many participants and a protest was hastily rescheduled for Thursday.

    Meanwhile, over 1,000 protesters aligned with the Fanmi Lavalas faction marched Tuesday through poor neighborhoods of Haiti’s capital chanting: “We want Privert to stay!”

    But many Haitians are deeply skeptical about the country’s politics due to years of broken promises.

    “If they wanted to our politicians could find a solution to this latest mess. But they only care about themselves,” said Mickelange Fontilus, who sells women’s underwear at a street stall near the National Palace compound.

    Nearby, third-year law student Yves Laurent Bernadeau said he had little faith that Haiti’s divided Parliament could find a workable solution.

    “Haiti’s Parliament is totally divided and we might just have to live with this until we can figure things out as a country,” he said.

    At the Organization of American States general assembly in the neighboring Dominican Republic, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry described Haiti as an “area of concern,” saying its citizens deserved “the chance to express their will and elect a president without further delay.”

    Haitian electoral officials recently announced that a new presidential election will be held in October with additional safeguards to avoid the fraud that marred last year’s voting.


    David McFadden on Twitter:

  2. Always mixed signals.
    First Minister’s spokesman saying Privert still in power not useful.
    George Michel is right – there is no resolve for force on any side except Privert and Aristide.
    My country is in grave danger.
    I value my opportunity in Brooklyn but feel sadness for those who must live in disaster.

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