Posted in Earthquake/CHOLERA Govt Incompentece

NYS Exposed: Haitians leaving U.S. for Canada is bad news for struggling employers

December 01, 2017 04:23 AM Tens of thousands of Haitian natives living in America will soon be forced to leave. Many of them will follow…

Posted in Aristide/Preval Crime/Corruption FRENCH/CREOLE Articles

On avait rapporté que le Président Jocelerme Privert avait contrefait la signature du Premier Ministre Enex Jean-Charles pour décaisser 700 millions de gourdes – Added COMMENTARY By Haitian-Truth

On avait rapporté que le Président Jocelerme Privert avait contrefait la signature du Premier Ministre Enex Jean-Charles pour décaisser 700 millions de gourdes. December 1…

Posted in Earthquake/CHOLERA Elections Govt Incompentece

DHS Cuts Off Protected Status for Haiti: What Employers Need to Know

50,000 Haitians to lose work authorization in July 2019 About 50,000 Haitians who’ve lived in the United States since an earthquake devastated Port-au-Prince, the island…