Posted in Aristide/Preval Earthquake/CHOLERA Govt Incompentece

Bill Clinton’s Haiti network after January 12th, 2010, a new and improved nation is born

Bill Clinton’s Haiti network after January 12th, 2010, a new and improved nation is born……………………………………………………

Posted in Earthquake/CHOLERA Govt Incompentece

Haiti’s Misery-The emergency in Haiti isn’t over. It’s getting worse, as the outside world’s attention fades away.

Misery rages like a fever in the hundreds of camps sheltering hundreds of thousands of the 1.3 million people left homeless by the Jan. 12…

Posted in Aristide/Preval Crime/Corruption Earthquake/CHOLERA FRENCH/CREOLE Articles

Nouvelle dernière heure d’Haiti: Conflit d’intéret d’Elizabeth Delatour Preval.-English as well, with listings for ALL area construction co.

OMEGA publiera  un rapport relatif au contrat attribué à SOGENER (Vorbe et Fils V&F Construction ) et au Groupe DRC, une firme d’Alabama la semaine prochaine. Ce…

Posted in Aristide/Preval Crime/Corruption

Another Tale of Corruption in President Preval’s Gang of Crooks

His name is Leslie Voltaire.  For nearly two decades now, he has been a major player in the political gutters of Haiti, as a presidential…