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HaitiLibre.com-(Spelling corrections by Haitian-Truth)-
This Sunday, December 16th will be held in Mirebalais (Centre) a political rally of the organization Lavalas, date reminiscent of the party’s victory in the elections of 16 December 1990, on this occasion a political declaration will be made by the organization, says Maryse Narcisse, the representative of Fanmi Lavalas.
She announced that in the occasion of the 22nd anniversary of the coming to power of former president Jean Bertrand Aristide, various activities to celebrate the split from dictatorship to democratic transition in Haiti, 14 and 15 December is expected a political retreat in the premises of the Aristide Foundation in Tabarre, where will meet the members of the Standing Committee to discuss policy, focusing on the interests of the community. In accordance with the charter and bylaws of the political organization, the participants will reflect and deepen the responsibilities as members of the latter.
Then Sunday, December 16, 2012, a large political rally is planned in Mirebalais on the theme “N ap rasanble nan lespri 16 desanm 1990”.
Ms. Narcisse states that this date “brings to mind the culmination and the concretization of the struggle of the Haitian people to get out of the Duvalier dictatorship…”
Ms. Narcisse also recalls that at the level of Fanmi Lavalas “We stand in solidarity with the claims of the population. […] It is our role and mission of duty to accompany the population, especially the weakest of community.”
The representative of Fanmi Lavalas has not confirmed or invalidated the presence of Jean-Bertrand Aristide during the retreat or in Mirebalais Sunday 16.
As many predicted, the December 16 Aristide manifestation turned destructive as marchers set fire to many automobiles on Lalue and broke countless windows, all as a reminder of the violence and chaos of Aristide’s two terms in office. At 2 P.M. Lalue was a battle zone as Lavalas people showed their true motivations by destroying the properties of many innocents.
Aba Aristide.
Aba Lavalas.
Time for Martelly/Lamothe to put an end to this anarchy and arrest Aristide for his many crimes, including the Murder of Mireille Durocher-Bertin, and many others.
Manifestation a disaster as Lavalas marchers destory automobile and burn properties. PNH and MINUSTAH attempt controls with gas and rubber bullets. There were somes injured